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by jimbo - 5/08/12 2:25 PM
Hello I have seen multiple numbers in the past up to the point where I was certain there could be no coincidence.. growing up as a kid I didn't see it much but eventually I started seeing 1111 or 111 everywhere then when when I was 17 I saw the numbers 911 everywhere and I mean everwhere... to the point 95% of the time I looked at a clock it had the numbers in it... well to make a long story short I was on probation and 2 weeks later I got into trouble and was sent to a grouphome and detention centers for over a year straight and I'm not a bad kid.. I was raised with respect and love for all.. I just liked to smoke weed... but anyways when ever I see 911 I expect trouble... think about it.. 911 tons of people died. The only time you call 911 is in times of trouble... I have seen it a few times along the years repediatly and I steer clear from anything that could possibly get me caught up till the numbers go away and my life has never been better I am head lot attendent/ used car assistant manager for three car dealerships.BUT BUUUUT for the last three weeks I see 119 eeeverywhere, commercials, gas, time, vin numbers, games... at first I started freaking out thinking something bad is going to happen. But these numbers are different there backwards from 911. Help! Haha what's it mean! I just opened an app on my phone that was a quit smoking ciggeretts application that tracks how long you have quit,how much money you saved..etc.... but apparently today would be the... guess????.. 119th day since I last opened the app and seeing how I saw 119 four other times today I figured I would see if any of you could help me..

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