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17 FOR LIFE!!!!

by Ferrou17 - 11/27/13 6:24 AM
17 is part of me, since I was born , I was born on the 13th of November, which is day 317 of the year , I went to many jobs always 17 , so we thought it was a number of bad luck, but for 2 years I realized that this number , I just wanted my attention , both in good times and bad , but now everything is turned to this number on the clock, the date on license plates and from entoces I've become very religious, 27 April , five churches estube something that had never miss , and then I realized that April 27 is the 117th year Rhodesia , and 117 is the shortest bible psalms .
my parents were 17 October at live asia, I went to Latin America to Europe to live in diiciembre 17 , a rainy day I found me a piece of paper on the street with the number 17, a day in the supermarket cut a piece cardboard with the number 17 and the cardboard so lost that day and the next day I found the same paperboard in across the city, my parents bought a house at the km 17 three consecutive years pay 17,50 euros each month makes I woke up one year for a week at 01:17 , I believe very much in the law of spiritual attraction , numerology , universal laws , the numbers of angels , angels and GOD .......
two years ago I dreamed that dream concert and means my soul senses the universal energy and this dream is reserved to be treated with the inhabitants of heaven ......

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