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22 is my number too

by Heidi - 3/31/14 6:41 PM
Aloha! I see 10/22 all the time. I used to think it was because it is my birthday, but now I have to believe it is something else. I see things others don't. When I was a kid, I would dream of things a few minutes into the future. I have since lost that ability as I grew up but I still have an amazing ability to sense things and feel other people's energies strongly. I have seen ghosts and other things in my life too. Is this number really a gift or are we just different?

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RE: 22 is my number too

by Dawn - 1/25/15 7:22 PM
I also was born 10/22 and have seen this number for years and continue to see it. I don't believe am psychic, but am very cognizant of my surroundings, energies, and feelings. I have heard people laugh when no one was there, I have been touched when no one was there, have had doors shut in the house with no one in the house but me, have My arm touched or caressed else, but there was no one with me, and have seen lights that floated in a circular pattern. This happened a few times and they were in three's. Sometimes I question this, but realize it is a gift and will try to understand what message is trying to come through. They are gifts and I am very open to them. I am not afraid just want to understand and help others if the message is for them.

RE: 22 is my number too

by Kathy - 3/18/15 7:16 PM
This is also my birthdate 10/22 and the repeating number I see on clocks and things counting down at times.

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