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666 888 ou tout autre

by PASCALE PADLO - 4/27/14 9:10 PM
Cherchez pas on trouve toujours tout chez moi! De la création ma naissance et tout qui suit. Le 888 est le nombre sacré pour des personnes sacrée, a des choses sacrées, rien a voir avec la religion ou le cinéma, qui ne s'intéressent qu'au fric, mais à la vie et l'histoire, du passé, au présent, et du futur. De crimes en bienfaits, de combattants, en fainéants, et rien qui ne puisse se monnayer, mais qui a beaucoup trop de valeur pour ne pas se retourner contre tout ça. Et je suis là pour ça!

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RE: 666 888 ou tout autre

by Anonymous - 12/20/15 2:06 AM
The numbers of your name are not important. What you believe is far more important ! Believe Jesus died for you and ask for forgiveness from all sin. We all have sin even on our best day but only Jesus will clean us and make us worthy to stand before the Father. Time is up, we are in the last days. Hit your knees now as though it were your last breath. I heard his voice this week say, we're in the last quarter! Don't be left behind.

RE: 666 888 ou tout autre

by Gnostic - 1/10/16 2:16 PM
That was an awesome article on gematria and 888, why did you read it and if all you could get outof it was a cchance to tell everyone how righteous you are. I doubt you've read the whole bible and studied the history of religion. You wouldn't think you're magically forgiven by a God who human sacrifices his own son as a requirement for you to go to heaven. "I'll let you in if you believe I killed my son" He couldn't find a less confusing way to accomplish his goals? But hes all powerful? And the bible you read is sanitized, not because of all the killing, but because they were polytheist! That's worse than genocide?

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