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Another viewpoint no one has ever looked at...

by Dayze - 4/01/13 6:52 PM
Where is HEAVEN?
This tracking device....the mark of the beast.....in each person, is a dangerous thing when in the end days a group comes to rescue the people here from the RATH OF GOD...natural disasters, floods, tsunamis, comets, asteroids, super volcanos, etc...
These things are not wanted in the new places...planets....ships carrying rescued people...HEAVEN....(I go to prepare a place for you)
The beast does not want people rescued but to have them die....so no one will rescue them....he has these devices implanted into the bodies of the humans...so they will be looked over and left behind...
only the chosen will be taken...
the chosen? those without the chips....
Anyone from this planet will be avoided....those that have the chips or tracking devices will be left out, or they have to be removed first...
What rescuing group wants a tracking device in the people they rescue so their enemies can follow them throughout space back to their planets where they will be helping the people rescued.

Satan travels throughout the UNIVERSE SEEKING WHOM HE CAN DEVOUR... so the rescuers do not want him or his people TRACKING THEM DOWN to DEVOUR THEM OR THEIR PEOPLE..........
LOOK AT THE WORDS....DEVOUR....those Annanakie (from heaven fell)who cloned mine workers to mine gold for them thousands of years ago....and controlled the psychically, had a a practice of drinking blood (ambrosia) which gave them the energy they needed....to live thousands of years....one of their 3 clonings (the second cloning that were giants ---the Titans, Cannonites, etc.) used devouring animal then human flesh(the third cloning were humans) after they ran out of animals and humans on the planet, then they turned on their makers, the Annanakie.
These giants, sleep dormant until pulled back into labor for gold mining each time the Annanakie come back for more gold supplies.
If they are not dormant, they run the humans from behind the scenes by psychic control to do their bidding, creating wars, to destroy man.
If they can control the world by links implanted in them, they can then control the stars, and go back and attack the Annanakie, and devour them.
Satan roams seeking whom he can devour.
If there is a rescue of people at the destruction of earth by whatever planet or asteroid that is hitting us as we go through space where these pieces are laying there waiting, then if we have these devices implanted in us, those that SEEK TO DEVOUR JUST FOLLOW US RIGHT TO THOSE PEOPLE THAT RESCUED US AND DEVOUR THEM.


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