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Back to back 9's

by songbird - 9/14/12 7:59 PM
I am a recent Christian of about 3 years now. I was praying one day, asking God for sight & knowledge, to be able to see things that are not "naturally seen." Since then, I notice that anytime I have a severe issue in my life, I get these very vivid religious type dreams. One of them had a picture of a set of nines back to back. I have not really been able to get any answer as to what this may mean. Since that dream, I have been able to see things in people that I had never noticed before. Like how some people have a sort of grey, blue or black haze around them. I can also see those same colors as lines in the sky.(sort of like the exhaust from an airplane-except there's nothing else in the sky.) I recently had someone tell me that I was able to see aura's. What does that mean?

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RE: Back to back 9's

by Anonymous - 10/03/12 1:34 PM
wow! thats a MAJOR breakthrough. you don't even realize the gravity of what you've said. from hinduism I can say that there have been by far only saints of the very HIGHSEST order( dead) who had the gift/power to see the aura. It has a very mystic,powerful, divine, gifted and abstract element about it. I suggest you consult a 'good' dignified spiritual guru. You never know you could be one of the greatest discoveries in the field of abstract sciences and enlightenment.

RE: Back to back 9's

by Sigra - 1/18/15 9:21 AM
Please don't go to a guru just stay with Jesus

RE: Back to back 9's

by Anonymous - 9/17/15 4:38 AM
It doesn't mean anything in terms of numerology

RE:Back to back 9's

by Dawn - 10/30/15 6:30 AM
It means that your prayer was answered. Offering completeness and divinity through reflection of things not naturally seen. The aura is the invisible energy, healthy or unhealthy, the sight in which you were asking for. Your request was answered divinely- giving divine completeness to your sight and prayer. You've heard the saying, ask and you shall receive.Also granted in it is the blessing of 9 fruits of the Spirit -clearly wonderful gifts to receive.

RE: Back to back 9's

by Jai - 12/06/17 5:52 AM
Great job on praying for it and not using other spiritual devices (mainly of this world and not of God).

I would suggest for you use your gift wisely and lean closer to God and his word as it would only help his divine will for you. Remember that people of God have been blessed differently, I would suggest to group with someone who can put his word to use when able to see certain hues. On certain people. Like color coding the word of God for the selected aura people have. You are their eyes and they are the mouth.

God is the Breath. Many blessings :)

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