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breast feeding a baby dream

by shea - 6/17/17 8:46 AM
I had a dream that I had a baby and i was walking around with it in a mall with my husband. However I am not married in real life and usually when I dream of my future husband it is always the same person but in this dream it was not him it was a counterfeit. The baby in the dream was crying so much, I couldn't get it to stop unless I breast feed it so I did. Than it stopped crying. Than after I was in the backseat of a car with the baby and my counterfeit husband was in the front and I was telling him that we need a baby bag, but the bag I wanted in the dream was a bag that I want in real life but I am unable to afford at the moment. Then the dream ended. long story short I am going through financial difficulties right now as well as depression because I need a new job. I just graduated university and it's been hard to find a full time job. I was baptized a few months ago at the beginning of the year and things were going great, but I have now started to battle some old demons and financial demons. I also got into a huge fight with a co-worker yesterday who was a wolf in sheeps clothes. I am at my wits end now and I am having suicidal thoughts. The co worker is my bosses girlfriend and she was begging him to fire me yesterday in front of me. I also had a dream two months ago of black spirits at my workplace trying to suck me and someone else up into ceiling they were able to get the other person but I escaped and ran out of the work place. Please help.

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RE: breast feeding a baby dream

by Anonymous - 6/17/17 8:50 AM
I also had another dream of some muslims trying to break into my house and kill me because I am a christian.

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