3 Comments for comments on the #33

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comments on the #33

by krose33 - 1/08/13 7:01 PM
I have been reading all the posts about the number 33. This is so amazing! Ever since I turned 33 which has been 17 years ago I see 33 everywhere. People in my life will have some story about something and it will have been done 33 times or something crazy like that. And since then I have been trying to figure out why. I can walk into a room look at the TV and at that moment the number 33 will be there. But I also have 6-33 a lot. I know our Lord, Jesus died at age 33. There is a definite significance to this number. I would love to keep in touch will all of you. Maybe we can figure this out. Maybe we have some kind of message to give, or a quest that has true meaning to the human race! lol, actually I do feel that way.

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RE: comments on the #33

by Anonymous - 2/03/13 12:56 AM
Its a godly like nuber, when I see it I always try to bring out what was I thinking about, just before I seen it. FOR me it represents the truth. YET power and luck :L, no... the number can be universal, the meaning is one. YOU see this number you know there is something wrong, instantly, YOU know your missing something. BY all meanings, IT only trys to wake us up, so I guess it is GOD, as therefore I am a catholic, and I know this is, from my personal philosophy. 33 is basically a sign, an representative of something speciall, but IN YOU, as this is why it is there, and you are the only one that does see it, at a certain moment. IT IS THE TRUTH (33)

RE: comments on the #33

by Anonymous - 9/25/13 8:30 AM
I have turned 33 this year and this number appears everywhere also. I pick up my phone and it is 3:33 with 33% battery left. If someone leaves a message it is 33 seconds long, or a phone call can last 33 seconds etc. It's good to hear that other people experience the same,

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