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by Bethany Summers - 2/05/16 11:08 AM
This is cool but refers to the Bible too much. We want to know facts about the number itself and not what uses the number. It is kinda confusing too...

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by niC0ras - 2/05/16 7:51 PM
Hello BethSumRs.

Today my Irish Wolfhound and me took a walk over the lawns beyond our village. On highest point some lizzlefizzling spray became a heavy rainfall, following us step by step. My mind was away with something about fish and that a*g●d*of rain & clouds & light'n'yin was once born "Satan's son". i asked for explanation to these thoughts i found in the current ...
Then i lifted my rainwashed head and through floaty eyesight i marked a parked CAR, we were to encounter next.
On the firmary Emblem i identified a "Ve" over a "Double-U", so "VW" or "VVV", which is kinda "666" or "18"(for the sixth letter in ALePhBITh tells VaU [nail, hook], and V equals 6; in ROMAN ciphers "vvv" would reach number 15.
On the number plate first i read the last two ciphers: "50".
The letter "N"(= 50) in Hebrew symbolizes "FISH".

The whole code spelled "GM - IG 50".
G equals 3, M counts 40 or 600 (when in the "end") and I gets to 10.
Alas, •GM * IG * 50• counts (43 + 13 + 50 = 56 + 50 =) 106.
106. the letter named "NUN" bears the meaning "FISH".
Or by the "word-end-M" i count (3+600 + 13 + 50 = 616 + 50 =) 666 !?

•GM - IG 50• may be a hint for "subtraction".
(43 - 13 + 50 = 30 + 50 = 80 = P) or (603 - 13 + 50 = 590 + 50 = 640 = 8×80).(40 + 600 = M + M = 80). "M'M"[water].

NV"N"(with expanded 2nd letter) sums up to (50+6+700 =) 756.
SePhIROTh [emanations](60+80+10+200+6+400 = 756) !?

In Latin the word "SUM"[I am] counts (60+6+40 =) 106 (fish); with an end-M we earn 666. Though maybe it means the total (sum) or simply it "swum" !?

1 minute 06 seconds decimate to 66 seconds.

66: Mystic number of the Works of Qliphot & Angel [M (1-11)].
SaTaN (7+9+50). ALHIK ["g●d is purifying"].
ANJHa [mourn, wailing; a ship].
GaLGaL [a Wheel ("Cognomen Schechinae"), wheelwork].
JUN [mud, mire]. NeDIB [noble, sovereign, tyrant, distinguished].

106: Atu XIII. DEATH [Scorpioâ–ªN = 50]. NUN [fish].
SALIaH [angel of 9 of Cups. JOY].
OVaL [injustice, baby, infant, baseness, stupid, child].
PhUK [nightdemon, 2nd decade of LION (Puck ?)]. tZeCheCh [being white]. QV [(measuring) cord, line, rope].

666: M (1-36). NaShIMIRUN [Qliphot of PISCES (fish)].
SUReTh [spirit of SUN]. OMMU SaThaN [Triade of eviL].
SheM JeHeShVaH [the name "Jesus"].

• 66 is "US".

In my "envisioned contre foggy" mind i decided not to determine about "good & evil" in the manners of a judge by court !•?
Satans, i believe - and, yes, it's about family-tree - are here with us in order to help US finally accept what is "BEST" for our physi-spiritual growth, though the EGO's wish-and-wantfulness never will show US the PLAN according to the common WILL of the WISP & theisrone "SonshiP".
Satan lures US to the point of regret, weekness & shame; so we learn to behold what branches did not grow sane or balanced to our inherenatured TREE, which leaves and when we must "let go" of them !
Crisis awakens the Will to Change in US.

On "Evil" i got the vibration allabout me, that the opposite to "truth" always must be an "illusion". Therefor it can never be changed who i am inUnity with our CreatoR !
If i fight against "the Devil" (out- or) inside, with my selfjust "o-so-GooDwill" i declare the "fiend of mankind" a fact, and that means he has to DIE by force (Michael/George/Siegfried) of DRAGONHUNT !?

LOVE to whoever you are ["House of any Summers"] !

¡ Bůy !

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