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by Anonymous - 11/22/10 8:26 PM
Recently, my wife and I were playing a racing game and both did a race back-to-back and both ended at 1:44.44. Pics to prove it. Down to the milisecond. Since then, we have been getting the same numbers with everything. 222, 333, 444, 555, etc... Anywhere fom room numbers at hotels, times on the clock, to totals on all sorts of different things. Just thought we would share with everyone else's experience with 144, I hope it is not nearly as big of a deal as some might believe.

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by Anonymous - 11/22/10 8:56 PM
It is! Millions of people are experiencing the same thing you are. The message is the same for everyone, the number may be different but the message is the same. Why now? The invention of the computer allows use all to communicate globally. People have been experiencing repetitive numbers on an individual base for many years but have not been able to communicate with one another on a major scale until now. Seeing other people having the same experiences has allowed people to come out of the closet and freely express their experience. This is now a collective realization that people need to understand in order to move on spiritually. There is only one that is capable of communicating on such a global that is God our Creator. Now the message takes on a sense of urgency.


Re: crazy to find this site

by Sebastian - 10/27/16 8:55 AM
I believe we are seeing this numbers because we believe in the one and only Most High God (YHWH) and Jesus our savior. I also have been seeing all sorts of numbers last couple of years (mostly a sequence of the same numbers, like 22 or 22:22. not only 2's but also every other sequence). Lately i have been seeing higher numbers (in the 7's, 8's and sometimes 9's). I know this sounds like i am crazy, but i'm fairly sure i'm not.

Now recently, while i was researching on the web i came across a site which perfectly linked the prophetic weeks and day in Daniel with obama the antiChrist (look up the evidence that he is). The article predicted that the 3th october would be the sounding of the 7th trumpet. And i came across the article on exactly the 3th of october. A sudden realisation gripped me that i was living in sin for so long and refused to accept the Lord as my saviour (i did al sorts of dirty sin: jerking off a lot on all sorts of pornography even while in a relationship. I used to drink and use drugs (mostly THC, but also coke and shrooms). I truly became God fearing in a split second (usually i don't get scared easily by end-of-the-world-news, but this one just hit me really hard for some reason). I looked up how i could repent and devote myself to Him. So i weeped a lot and prayed he would forgive me. This went on for a couple of days. Suddenly while weeping i felt a weird sensation as if someone placed his hand on my head. it felt as if it was okay. Later that week i discovered that 2-4 oct. is Rosh Hashana. The Jewish beginning of the year (year 5777 for anyone who wonders). Also this year is a very holy 'super shemitah'. Rosh Hashana is the time where the Jewish people repent and self-reflect their character in the hopes that God will forgive them. After 10 days we arrive at Yom Kippur (biggest Jewish holiday) where God (re)writes and seals his Book of Life. I think God has forgiven me and given me a second chance. I alsof feel as if every lustfull tendency has been removed like snow in the sun. it is truly amazing. i really feel reborn. Also i have been having a couple of dreams like visions. Stuff that doesn't make much sense in the dream itself, but usually after a couple of days the meaning sinks in due to a certain feeling you get during the dream. When i pray or ask for something it seems like things get answered through numbers or situations. I understand this could also be of demonic origin (by means of possesion) and i believe i am possesed (since when i was about 4-5 years old) like a lot of people are these days. That is the reason i believe why sometimes i get conflicting meanings (rarely). I'm sure that by acts of believe and trust in the Most High God YHWH i can become clean and get rid of this spirit. I am at a decision in life where i can choose to lie (white lie) or tell the truth and possibly lose everything or at least A LOT. I will choose to be faitful and trust in our Lord. I hope everyone of you does the same! I think God has called upon you to spread the message the the end of days is near. And tell as many people who are willing to listen to repent and ask God and Jesus in their lives. Every soul counts for God!

Excuse my possibly bad grammar here and there. English is not my main language. It's probably not perfect. Also don't be irritated by the i's instead of I. It is because i don't want to think highly of myself. Only God deserves it.

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