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does friends have anything to do with 48

by Anonymous - 1/14/11 1:15 PM
i also see 48 many times a day and its a funny story, because it started out i was really good friends with this girl, almost like sisters. We did basically everything together. Then i noticed i started seeing the number 48 everywhere, on the clock on random boxes, like i mean EVERYWHERE. then i shared it with her and weeks later she saw the same thing. It went on for a while, then over the summer we stopped being friends, it was a horrible time and i noticed that i stopped seeing 48. I later found out that she kept seeing it all throughout the time when we weren't friends anymore. Months and months later we slowly started talking more and she told me how she always saw it and still does. Now were friends again, and i see it all the time now too. Does this number have anything to do with our friendship?

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RE: does friends have anything to do with 48

by Anonymous - 10/18/11 10:27 PM
wow some one has experienced the same situation with 48 associated with friends, like almost exactly.......weird

RE: does friends have anything to do with 48

by Anonymous - 1/16/12 10:08 PM
I too have experienced the 48 phenomenon you described for about the last 12 years. The number is all around me (on clocks esp) and has a positive connotation for sure. When I'm seeing the 48s frequently things seem to be going well in my life esp with regards to friendships and interpersonal relationships. When i don't see the 48s it's indicative that I'm not on the right path

RE: does friends have anything to do with 48

by Anonymous - 1/16/12 10:15 PM
It's cool to see I'm not alone concerning the 48 phenomenon. I once received a fortune cookie that read "bring more people into your circle." The first lucky number on the back was 48. I looked at my watch at that moment and the clock read 12:48. This is just one out of hundreds of meaningful experiences I've had with the number 48..

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