2 Comments for Dream about purple, gold, and a man in an ivory suit

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Dream about purple, gold, and a man in an ivory suit

by Anonymous - 8/15/15 6:26 AM
In my dream, I had a flyer and it said something about celebrating a friend of mine and freedom. It had the colors purple and gold on it. I told him congrats on this friend! And he pointed to the top of the flyer and said, did you see this? I looked at where he pointed and it said Ephesians. Then he said, remember that, 5:10. Then he introduced me to a man in an ivory suit who said his name, but I don't remember it and he said he works at a college in town... Why those colors, and the book of ephesians...

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RE:Dream about purple, gold, and a man in an ivory suit

by Fellow dreamer - 9/12/15 11:56 PM
Purple is the color of royalty, power, divinity. Gold means perseverance thru trials and purification. Ephesians 5:10. Just read it. Then resd verses 11 and 12. What is your friend celebrating freedom from? is the man in the white suit Jesus Christ?

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