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Experience with 21

by KG - 5/16/12 6:18 PM
I also had this experience with the number 21 some years ago where it seemed to pop up everywhere I turned...on signs, billboards, bumper stickers, whatever. I didn't feel that I was looking for it so much as just suddenly started to notice it was appearing everywhere. I don't recall how long it lasted, but after a little while, it no longer seemed to be everywhere. I've never had this experience again or with a different number. I felt like there must be a message in it for me, but what? I know a lot of people might say that it's coincidence or paranoia, but I'm not so sure about that. To this day, the number 21 is ingrained in my mind, to the point that if I were ever asked to pick a number for any reason, my response would always be 21.

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RE: Experience with 21

by Anonymous - 11/13/16 8:22 AM
21,when it keep appearing could mean u r seeking a breakthrough in life. It stops after u found the path. Did u feel it that way than?

RE: Experience with 21

by Leo - 4/27/17 4:37 AM
For years I knew this is what it meant ....your on track.

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