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Loving our God The Father Creator And His Son Jesus Christ our loving savior

by Robert M. - 3/24/16 9:11 AM
All I have to say is God doesn't give you your name and birthdate for nothing he's pure and loves us and gives us intelect to find the right godly answers in his great timing. Also look up all the way back family lines and meanings or even from when you were born and there a long message for you in there. I can't say mine it's very personal between me and the Father. One day we will all know. My birthday again is 08/28/84 and I see 42 everywhere also my name is Robert Which means (Bright light) or (bright fame). and also the time 1134 which backwards is hell I've always loved the lord but the last few months it's been wierd I mean I've been just only thinking about God I stay up 3 days sometimes just going over his loving word and I sit and cry sometimes and feel like God the Father and Jesus are standing right next to me . It's beautiful. I've Never felt like this ever. I'm so much full of humility its unreal to bere but it feels so Good. It's like I can't Hate someone even if they were my worse enemy. We all have God around us all day everyday.
Let's not let our Father and our lord Jesus down tHey're depending on their sheep to be the breath of his voice.

For God has wings in Heaven that cover his Holyness, His Grace and His Beauty. He is Every Race, Nationality and Creed. For We have his unconditional love on earth as in heaven as above so below (Mathew6;5-13). So just believe in faith in your Mind, body, and soul, For they can't work without the Heart so let your heart be your guide for your mind, body and soul and you will reach our lord. God Bless His children . Blessed are you that hear his message. Blessed are the learn'ed and the simple. Amen

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