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my life with grandparents and visits from the vatican

by michael r f c - 11/13/14 7:42 PM
as i from a child i was given things from a tramp to high class people nothing special, i thought WHY Me who are you . the number 7 i liked a lot because of barry sheen race driver . i used to give up my bed to priests who would come from roman/ vatican and stay for a day or so at my grandparents. my nan told me to say nothing to anyone. there gone now .. if i wasn;t there i was at bordering school... in my sleep drempt things like the death of PRINCESS diane and the accident with a car . there is so much i could say and said and came true my inner spirit you could say told me; with the car crash at that the leading up to princess diane .i was in germany working i thought it was my princess ( daughter) i ring home and said paige is not to leave the house for one mouth !!!! one mouth later princess diane died...21:21 i see a lot and read what people s comments are i can associate with you's . i started to question thing s about four years ago when i started seeing11:33 13;33 13:13 12:12 21:21 more than any number the 3:33 well i went to the pictures with my daughter not the sort of things i;d go to see at all . to see the paranormal activity it ended with the video recorder stopping at 3:33 . i went to bed that night fell asleep then woke checked my phone which was at the side of the bed and yes it was 3;33 . the shock well i jumped out of bed and stayed up and went to work . a few year ago i was given a number 85 .. 85 years what i don't KNOW just like the other numbers and i've started to check as well as mediating , feeling by senses :- pulsating of blood fingers toes the whole body at one given time , and the result wired !!! as we use 1 tenth of are brain

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