9 Comments for New Ebola Vaccine: Gematria: NAIAD = 222 - GSK = 222 - RFID = 222 ..TOTAL = 666

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New Ebola Vaccine: Gematria: NAIAD = 222 - GSK = 222 - RFID = 222 ..TOTAL = 666

by Frank McCarthy - 11/29/14 6:52 AM
New ebola vaccine: naiad + gsk + rfid = 666

english gematria a=6 b=12 c=18 rtc ..Naiad = 222 gsk = 222 rfid = 222 ..Total = 666

8 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: New Ebola Vaccine: Gematria: NAIAD = 222 - GSK = 222 - RFID = 222 ..TOTAL = 666

by Gary - 11/10/15 4:10 PM
Why in the world would John speak of gematria in a language he had never heard of?

Gematria is funny - you can make just about anything add up to 666, if that is the goal you set for yourself. It's a great example of "confirmation bias". If I said that the mark of the beast was really 362, people would find it everywhere.

People found Reagan's name in Revelation 13 - Ronald Wilson Reagan, six letters times six. A misinterpretation, since the number of the beast is six-hundred sixty-six, not three sixes.

RE:New Ebola Vaccine: Gematria: NAIAD = 222 - GSK = 222 - RFID = 222 ..TOTAL = 666

by Gary - 11/10/15 4:11 PM
Besides which, you really believe that a wonderful thing like an Ebola vaccine is the mark of the beast? Are you an anti-vaxxer?

RE: New Ebola Vaccine: Gematria: NAIAD = 222 - GSK = 222 - RFID = 222 ..TOTAL = 666

by kid - 8/06/16 8:09 PM
Come on wake up what about Nehemiah 7 verse 18

RE:New Ebola Vaccine: Gematria: NAIAD = 222 - GSK = 222 - RFID = 222 ..TOTAL = 666

by Friend - 10/09/16 9:33 AM
I would like to add the rod of Asclepius (the mythological deity of medicine) to this discussion, which is a staff with a serpent entwined. Curiously the Caduceus (two snakes entwined in a staff with wings uptop) has been used to represent healthcare as well. Critics say the staff of Hermes was used mistakenly but the symbolism is easy to discern. The Caduceus was adopted after World War I by the US Army Medical corp for a while. Interestingly the Spanish flu was said to spread out in the US from an army base in Kansas.

It is currently my thought that chipping will coincide with getting a vaccination against the next terrible pandemic. The deadliness and contagiousness of it could cause enough hysteria to keep those without the mark from being able to buy or sell. It'll be enough to marginalize those who are against it as being fringe. And it'll also be enough to cause enmity between unmarked Christians and the rest of the unbelieving population.

RE:New Ebola Vaccine: Gematria: NAIAD = 222 - GSK = 222 - RFID = 222 ..TOTAL = 666

by Dale - 12/13/16 12:13 AM
patents for this vacine were applied for 5 months before there was ever a case of ebola in the U.S.

RE:New Ebola Vaccine: Gematria: NAIAD = 222 - GSK = 222 - RFID = 222 ..TOTAL = 666

by Dale - 12/13/16 12:40 AM
Would the order not be virus, vaccine, patent. Why would you be looking for a patent on a vaccine for a virus that was non existant in your country but that convieniently shows up 5 months later. Trusting your government, aka, placed puppets for those who actually control and call the shots, is probably the most foolish thing to do. The Hegelian dialectic is what you have at work here. Cause for concern and skepticism? You damn right there is!

RE:New Ebola Vaccine: Gematria: NAIAD = 222 - GSK = 222 - RFID = 222 ..TOTAL = 666

by Obua silver - 4/04/19 9:56 AM
Ebola = 210
vaccines = 456
Ebola vaccines = 210 + 456 = 666
vaccination = 666
using English Gematria

Is the above clue also a coincident?

RE:New Ebola Vaccine: Gematria: NAIAD = 222 - GSK = 222 - RFID = 222 ..TOTAL = 666

by Santa - 10/15/19 6:39 PM
The birds work for the bourgeois

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