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New Madrid Fault

by Len - 2/26/13 4:28 PM
First I want to say that if u don't put a name, u become, "anonymous", & the topic being, "555" further makes it seem like many of these post are from the same ppl...they are not! I am the below poster @ 4:06, while my local time was at 6:06 when I posted! anyway, I just wanted to mention, that you should all look on you tube for whats going on in LA, regarding the natural gas sinkhole! fema did a disaster mgt study on the New Madrid in 2008. back then there was no indication that they were planning it! Now you can find conspiracy on the 9-11 of natural disasters! see also Adgenda 21 & the GA guidestones, as the time of troubles is indeed upon us! time to wake up to the days we are living in! furthermore, the last mass death event in America b/4 the mass extinction event of a solar storm devestating the planet, as predicted by "remote viewers" IS a disaster at the New Madrid! this explains why all the underground shelters are being built! I have further found that 1/2 of the ppl in Norway, for instance, will be saved in their shelters, while the mass public here haven't even been warned! the newest thing I've heard is that the pres. says "preppers" should be treated as terrorists! not to mention, if you havent't already, look into the REAL connection the mass shootings & Dorner have to the truth...see you tube!

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