7 Comments for RE: number 28

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RE: number 28

by Moana - 2/05/09 7:48 AM
ok. and the first perfect number is?

6 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: RE: number 28

by Anonymous - 2/26/09 12:51 PM

RE: RE: number 28

by Anonymous - 1/20/13 9:12 AM
number 28 is a dichotomy. It could be all good or all bad or a sudden turn. Elegua, Orisha of the Afro-Cuban Santeria, can give you this number as a warning of sudden change.

RE: RE: number 28

by Anonymous - 1/21/13 3:11 AM
second perfect number is 28.

RE: RE: number 28

by Anonymous - 3/04/14 7:08 PM
first perfect number is 6. It's funny at the beginning of this post all the June 28th birthdays. I was born June 28th, My mother died at 28 years of age, her birthday was September 28th, (same as my aunt except my aunt is older, septmber 28th) and my gf was born on Agust 28th. I wonder what the connection is?

RE:RE: number 28

by Anonymous - 8/13/14 4:24 AM
Okay, I have to say something here. I've been obsessed with 28, a little too much for a little too long. I see it everywhere and also 6 comes up a lot. 8-2=6 quite obviously. But other numbers like '42'(the answer to life) and '23'(another conspiracy number)
8-2=6, 4+2=6, 2x3=6, 666
Furthermore, 2/3 of 42= 28...

RE:RE: number 28

by Devin Oliver Cowart 3/3/1993@13:37 born to 2/2/60(light)2/14/57(love) - 12/20/14 12:47 PM
28+14=42 3319931337 that's my birth time. Good or bad. How about ascension beyond basic good and evil thinking. All evil is good because it UNITES us against evil. Therefore all evil unites against evil. Good is why we have seperation of the two so in this small way good is evil. As above so below, if ya don't know now ya know, the alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end is eternally now moments that string together to create the illusion of seperation. Welcome to the new earth, our denomination is co creation, we show appreciation to the thankful for the satisfaction sent out to existence. Each action has and opposite and equal reaction, therefore -- Is + and ++ pushes +back to valence the - giving us neutrality in regards to evil be appreciation of the good. Love y'all for real. 10\/3 1337K1N9.=DOC1221

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