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numbers and accurances

by Mercia - 10/10/12 8:53 AM
one day at 10:10 in the morning, I noticed a car following me. Upon telling my husband, he said: "relax, you are imagining it". That same day at 13:13 I noticed the same car infront of my shop and thought not to tell someone, because they will think I'm paranoid, then at 20:20 that night I was attacked and held at gun point...Did the numbers and the fact that I saw it in doubles on my watch mean anything, and why 4 years later I am constantly reminded by a force of double displayed numbers.

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RE: numbers and accurances

by Anonymous - 10/25/12 8:51 PM
I've been noticing this a lot myself: 1:11, 11:11, 2:22, 4:44. It's been most prominent with the #1.

RE: numbers and accurances

by Anonymous - 10/07/14 8:32 PM
Omg I was born 4/20/1995 and all I keep seeing on the clock is 4:20 10:20 whtvr time it is it's something 20 and its starting to spark my curiosity idk Maybe God is trying to tell me something

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