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Numerology is Idolatry

by Faith in Truth - 11/25/16 4:07 AM
Receive not the Gods, Spirits or Practices from those who have not received the Spirit of Truth which is sealed unto the hearts of those whom have been choosen as desciples of the Living Word.

Your fight is not with flesh and blood but with the forces in the air.
The one who is come appears as a messenger of light, a savior for the world, a lamb for the sacrifice on behalf of men.
He leads the chosen into idol worship and revelry, into profaning the Holy Sabbath and blasphemy before God.
He establishes his kingdom over the whole earth and above the Throne of the Most High saying "I Am God".

He makes war on the Sons of god, those who are faithful and have the Seal of the Living God in the forehead, and bear witness to Jesus Christ.

God chose Judea (relgion) for his covenant, giving mankind His Law. But Israel (nation) wrestles with God's Word, falling from grace (Adam, the first man,and Lucifer, the apostate).

Satan (Adverse) is against God.
But he knows he cannot defeat Him. As Lucifer he desire worship and the only way he can get it is to imitate God.
He comes as an Angel of Light claiming to be God's substitute and establishes a covenant with Israel they reject. So this Son of the inheritance gives the covenant to the pagans.
This Apostasy greatly offends the Judean authorities who ask King Herod to issue a decree against the Christ, leading to His death (the deadly wound).

But he is raised to life and the world wonders after this miraculous man.

Are you getting it yet?

He becomes the curse and the redeemer.

2 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: Numerology is Idolatry

by 23 - 11/30/16 11:58 AM
Yes I do get it he was made a curse for us to redeem us from the cause of the law. Numerology is nothing but the book of numbers. The God numbers is Jesus Christ

RE: Numerology is Idolatry

by Anonymous - 9/10/18 6:55 PM
He Jesus was made a curse and is the redeemer gal 3 v 13
2 cor 5 v 21

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