8 Comments for Once again 7:20

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Once again 7:20

by Anonymous - 1/16/13 8:21 AM
Every time I check the clock it's a different hour but the minute's always on 20 what does this mean?!

7 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: Once again 7:20

by Anonymous - 4/16/13 11:17 AM
your minute hand has stoped working!!!

RE: Once again 7:20

by Anonymous - 10/21/15 2:38 AM
20 means waiting with expectation

RE:Once again 7:20

by marty - 3/02/16 1:20 PM
I too always look at the clock at 20 after the hour. weird.

RE:Once again 7:20

by Lisa - 7/28/16 1:57 PM
I see the number 20 all the time I know it's a message but I'm just not sure what

RE: Once again 7:20

by Anonymous - 9/28/16 2:36 PM
I just googled this because the same happens to me and I know it's not a coincidence

RE:Once again 7:20

by Tee - 4/19/19 4:55 PM
We should ask our spirit guides for knowledge as to why the number 20 is a daily occurrence.. From what i understand we know good and evil and we have to be diligent in making the right choices because irs also related to karma and karmic debt..i think it means that we take on others karmic debt also. We come off as too needy sometimes because we need to know the real power within us but we have low self esteem. We are encouragers of others we uplift and have extreme compassion.

RE:Once again 7:20

by Sharon - 6/12/19 5:21 PM
Yes, 20 after the hour has become the norm for me, everytime I look at a clock. Kinda scarey and kinda fun ???

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