20 Comments for pre - Trib Rapture

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pre - Trib Rapture

by Anonymous - 6/28/13 4:03 PM
The Church will not go through Trib.

19 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayton Scott Bonyun - 8/03/13 2:19 PM
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church=[1590DSB+972The Rapture Date]

RE: pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayton - 8/03/13 5:58 PM
[ADAM]1318yrs. 666yrs. 2016yrs[Life of Jesus]1318yrs. 666yrs[yr.2016/yr.2013 is really 2016,Jesus was approximately 3 and a half years old,in the year we call year one.

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayton Scott Bonyun=1590 - 8/05/13 10:16 PM
[ADAM]1318.666.2016[JESUS'S LIFE]1318.666[2016YRS.from Birth of Jesus]

[ADAM]888.1590.666.888[THE CROSS]1318.666[2016YRS.from Birth of Jesus]

The Trinity=888
one+two+THREE=888+four+five+six+seven+EIGHT=906JESUS CHRIST+1590DSB

The+Number+Set+one+two+three+four+five+six+seven+eight+nine+zero=4032[CROSS YEAR]

123 4*5* 6*** 789 0*

789-123=666 , 6*6*6=216

666-450=216 / Rev.3:10 "KEEP THEE"=450 , "FROM THEE HOUR"=666+216

"The 450 And 666 Code"=1590DSB

450+666=1116,"Eleven Sixteen Code=1116

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayton - 8/06/13 12:26 AM
KJV "The Devil Is Come Down unto You"=[2016]

"Don't Worry There Is A Rapture"=[2016]

RE: pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayto Scott Bonyun=1590 - 8/06/13 10:46 AM
2016 divided into 1234567890 leaves God156+1590DSB Remaining

1590DSB divided into 1234567890 =776457[776457*1590=1234566630 leaves 1260 or [666+594Rapture]Remaining

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayton Scott Bonyun=1590 - 8/06/13 12:18 PM
Rev.3:10 "Keep Thee From The Hour Of Temptation"=[1590DSB+666]

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayton Scott Bonyun=1590 - 8/06/13 12:34 PM
Counting+Six+Six+Six=777+777 , 777+36[666]+777=1590[+777=2367] , this means there is 777 numbers between my name 1590 and 2368Jesus Christ[Greek]

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayton - 8/06/13 12:36 PM
777 is [7+7+7*36+7+7+7]

RE: pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayton Scott Bonyun 1590 - 8/19/13 10:23 PM
Rev.3:10 , is chapter 1170 of the Bible, verse 10


The heart of this verse is, "Keep Thee=[450], From The Hour=[666+216], Of Temptation=[924]

The entire sum of these 7 words is [1590+666]

RE: pre - Trib Rapture

by DSB 1590 - 10/28/13 9:18 PM
"Find The Rapture Date,Using 666"=[1590+666]
"The Time Of The Rapture Has Finally Come"=[1590+666]

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by DSB 1590 - 10/28/13 9:25 PM
Thirteen+Eighteen+Six Hundred Sixty Six=[666+2016]

one.three.one.eight. six.six.six.=[1974]
In Greek Jesus Christ=[2368]

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by DSB 1590 - 10/28/13 9:29 PM
"Have Faith In The Lord Jesus Christ"=[2016]

"Jesus Christ The Messiah From God"=[2016]

RE: pre - Trib Rapture

by DSB 1590 - 10/29/13 6:49 PM
"Will Lead To The Rapture Date"=[1650]
"Six Hundred Sixty Six"=[1650]

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by Dsb 1590 - 11/02/13 4:02 PM
Revelation+chapter+Thirteen+verse+Eighteen,+Six Hundred Sixty Six

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayton scott Bonyun - 12/28/13 11:21 PM
Ivan Panin's N.T. Translation says in Rev.3:10 "Keep Thee From The Hour Of The Trial"=[2016]

8 is assigned by GOD to JESUS.
483[69weeks] is assigned by GOD to HIS 1ST COMING.


Daniel 9:24 is Bible Verse [22013]
Daniel 9:27 is Bible Verse [22016]

123 [45] [6***] 789 [0]

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by DSB - 12/31/13 10:26 AM
A=6, B=12, C=18.....Z=GOD156

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by DSB - 1/02/14 11:02 AM
Ivan Panin's N.T. Translation says in Rev.13:18 , "Here Is THE Wisdom, Who Hath Understanding" = [888+1590]

"Let Him Count The Number Of The Beast" = [69+2013]

Twenty Thirteen + Tribulation = [69+2013]

RE: pre - Trib Rapture

by Drayton Scott Bonyun=1590 / a=6, b=12, c=18...Z=GOD156 - 2/01/14 11:21 AM
Eleven Sixteen Code=1116 / The 450 And 666 Code =[1590]

1116 can be written 2 ways:

one thousand one hundred sixteen=[2040]or[450+1590]



[924] + 1116 = [2040]

2040 is [450+1590]
924 is [450+474]

1590+474 is [51+2013]

Jan.1/14 completion of 2013, I turned 51

Daniel 9:24 is Bible Verse 22013

2964→ Two+Nine+Six+Four=[GOD156+1116]

RE:pre - Trib Rapture

by DSB - 2/01/14 11:26 AM
This whole thing began for me with The 666 in the number set, and finding a year that matched Enochs Rapture year 987, 1995 is "The Only Number"

"1590 This Is A Message From GOD"= [987+1995]

"Message From GOD"= [666+216]

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