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Still occuring

by A. P. - 9/25/13 10:47 AM
This is still occurring in my life. Still the same numbers. 2's, 7's and 3's. In any order.

With a little research I've discovered that there are a couple possible explanations for this phenomenon.

*Masonic roots in your family
*Connection with new age religion in the past
*Spiritual attacks

I even filmed a corrupt TV evangelist
claiming that if you "sow a seed" of $273 that you will be blessed with prosperity/riches and health and happiness. ....... He said "I received these numbers from God and they have special meaning and will form a special covenant that will never leave you"


This is completely UN-scriptural, bogus, hippy-dippy-trippy, crystal-worshipping nonsense! No where in the Bible does it say that God is going to send special numbers to you. Infact, the only places I've found this phenomenon are in New Age religion and Freemasonry. These numbers happen to be the numbers of Hiram Abiff, the masonic Christ, or as we know him, the antichrist. It's also the value of "all-seeing eye" in Hebrew gematria. It continues to happen to me constantly and I am a firm believer that it is purely a spiritual assault to confuse us.

New Age religion claims that certain "angels" assigned with certain numbers(such as 27 or 273) follow you throughout your life and let you know when to look to see where the numbers will be. Yeah right, give me a break.

"18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind." Colossians 2:18

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