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What is my life purpose?

by Drayton - 12/09/14 9:12 PM
Hi Anna, the first thing you should do is realize that you were fearfully and wonderfully CREATED, and that you are not just a coincidence that popped into being.Next thing you do is talk to your CREATOR, and tell him that you sincerely want to be on his side and serve him to the best of your ability. The GOD of The Bible is THE TRUE GOD, and his son JESUS CHRIST is THE TRUTH. The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST makes the most sense out of all the religions, and offers the best and greatest rewards. The only means we have to make contact with him, is with our voice and a sincere heart, and he promises that he hears us. WHOSOEVER CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD, SHALL BE SAVED. Salvation is a FREE GIFT from CHRIST and we cant earn it ourselves, and if we try to do just that, it will lead to more frustration with GOD. I speak from experience,because i went thru many years wondering if i was good enough to be saved,and never felt secure that i was because i knew i still commited sins,and would always think "What if im killed somehow today, and i haven't yet crossed the good enough line....and what and where is the good enough line i have to cross. The lord says ill always be a sinner while in the flesh,but how many sins are too many, LORD you forgot to tell me in your book." The truth is, there is no good enough line. Salvation is a FREE GIFT earned for us by CHRIST'S SHED BLOOD,AND HIS ACCOMPLISHMENT ON THE CROSS. You'll be able to "PRACTICE" serving him much better,and live he way he wants you to,and without so much torment,when you do it out of appreciation for his FREE GIFT to you,of salvation,and ETERNAL LIFE IN HEAVEN. GOD promises that you have a special purpose in life,... if you let him show it to you when HE'S READY. Dont worry too much about shopping in stores for food and clothing and barcodes and things like that. We only go go Hell for rejecting The Truth, which is JESUS CHRIST and THE HOLY SPIRIT. And yes, we can go to Hell for taking the mark of The Beast, which will be something much more obvious than a Social Security Number,which many good christians that are serving CHRIST have. You just need to offer JESUS complete control of your life...starting now!
God will take care of you Anna, thats his promise! I'll keep you in my prayers also.

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RE: What is my life purpose?

by Drayton - 12/09/14 9:25 PM
One of the purposes of each and everyone of us that GOD doesnt keep secret, is to LOVE and BE KIND to one another, to lessen the pain and evilness in this world that satan "temporarily" has dominion over.Thats a very big purpose, and the best way to begin serving GOD!

RE: What is my life purpose?

by Drayton Scott Bonyun - 12/09/14 10:40 PM
Anna, your middle name has the same value as mine, which is the same value as
CHRIST= 462 (A=6 , B=12 , C=18....Z=156 / GOD=156) Do what i did,and put him in the center of your life as well, I promise you won't regret it.

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