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who do you believe?

by child of the most high God. A believer. - 7/09/15 7:07 AM
You must read again God' holy word. God is not a liar. The devil is the god of this world. Take the chip in your hand or your forehead and then after you have done it , be prepared to taste and feel hell fire . You will not b able to scream out for someone to take that chip off you. You did not believe. Now BURN AND DO NOT CALL JESUS?

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RE:who do you believe?

by follower of Jesus Christ - 7/09/15 7:27 AM
When Noah was building the ark they made fun of him they did not believe that a flood was coming until they saw the water coming . God made Sodom and example for all nations. Yet this country have done the same thing and now God's wrath is upon it. You do not believe ? Ok then sit back and relax, eat your popcorn and have your worldly fun.But i tell you it is at that time and hour you will believe. Oh yes YOU WILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT IT WILL B TOO LATE. I LOVE JESUS AND HE SHARED A LOT OF BLOOD FOR ME AND FOR YOU? TRY NOT TO BE TOO BLIND TO THINGS THAT CLEARLY SEEN TODAY ACCORDING TO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES.

RE:who do you believe?

by Jesus Believer - 7/22/15 6:47 AM
Yesterday I heard now all the debit cards master cards will have a chip in them !!! Is this a sign of beast as well ?

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