Properties of the number 61






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39 Comments for Number 61 Symbolism, 61 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 61 Symbolism, 61 Meaning and Numerology

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Dividing with 33

by Citizen 11 - 8/12/17 4:27 AM
It's now year 2017..

Divide year 2017 with number 33, you get 61.121 = 61

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RE: Dividing with 33

by OTS - 12/14/23 8:20 AM
If you multiply 33 * 61 you get the year 2013.

If the Mayans Calendar kept a record of the end time, then it's likely there are symbols of the start time also.

There was a sign in the October sky of 2012 that many interpret as a (Rev 12:1-6) sign of a woman clothed in the sun and the moon under her feet. It make sense that before the end a notice was given announcing the end and a new beginning.

Then Dec 21, 2012 came and went. But I believe the Mayans were right and the world went to sleep, sort of speak. Until the evening of March 8, 2013 when the Comet Panstarr enter the heavens, or Christ-Star penetrated the heavens.

If the Pope claims to be authorized by GD and is his representative on Earth. Then the Pope on Saturday, March 9, 2013 could no longer hold that Title, for the new child has come.

And on Monday, March 11, 2013 they meet to elect a new Pope to represent the new Christ or Era…


by Mark - 2/19/23 4:25 AM
Numbers 31 verse 36+39: The half share of those who fought in the battle was: 30,500 donkeys, of which the tribute for the LORD was 61

153th day of a leap year = 6/1.
61*6 = 366

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by Anonymous - 5/09/22 1:24 PM
61 is also connected to bridal chamber.

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by Anonymous - 12/12/21 4:19 AM
Yesterday I had number 61 to collect my food order, and later that evening I saw a 6 and a 1 placed next to each other - the numbers were written on wooden blocks. Very curious!

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Math (mean)

by Jasmine gurung - 8/17/17 1:00 PM
I need help on finding the missing number if the mean is 61:
45,62,72, 59,62

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RE: Math (mean)

by pendantry - 2/12/21 4:08 PM
You have five numbers.
45 + 62 + 72 + 59 + 62 = 300.

If 'one number is missing' I assume you need to add another, so you'll have six numbers in all.

For the mean of the six numbers to be 61, their total must be:
6 x 61 = 366.

366 - 300 = 66.

Does that answer your question?


by Lachlan B - 10/28/14 1:12 AM
I'm having trouble deciding whether or not I should move out of my dads because we just had a humongous argument. I went into my room and stumbled on some rosary beads, I asked for gods help and suddenly something told me to count the rosary beads. There ended up being 61 beads and I then looked up the meaning of 61 on Google and it brought me an answer of a connection with god and then I found this comment box.

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RE: 61

by Anonymous - 2/03/21 9:30 PM
Wow! I was born in 1961, 02 25 61. Whenever I see 16 I always turn it around. My Brother gave me $16.00 One Dollar Bills a few days ago. Tonight on JEPORIDY one of Questions was 1961. It blew me away! For I am Always looking at numbers for "Signs From Heaven" ????

Number 61

by JH - 4/22/14 9:52 AM
A few years ago I had a very vivid dream concerning the number 61. I have a few ideas what it might mean but I'm curious if anyone else has some insight. Here's the dream: I'm standing outside looking at the night sky focused on one star. Then suddenly the star begins coming towards me quickly. Before the star slams into me it turns into a boy around the age of 12. He seemed liked an angel but appeared as a regular boy. He told me not to worry and that none of this means anything. (I thought he meant prophecy signs currently happening in the world - at the time I was consumed with watching for signs of the rapture of the Church). The next scene there was a large hand in the night sky (it seemed like God's hand) writing in white clouds "SOS 61". End of the dream.

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RE: Number 61

by Heather - 12/09/20 8:14 PM
Wow! Speaking of the angels, the Lord said to Job in 38:4-7, “Where were you...when the morning stars sand together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” How precious that the Lord was concerned about your thoughts and worries! I believe your angel may have been referring to the Song of Solomon 6:1, “Where has your beloved gone, O fairest among women? Where has your beloved turned aside that we may seek him with you?” Your focus became eschatology rather than “the simplicity of devotion to Christ.” I believe that He was telling you to seek Him above all else. And then he answered his own question in verses 2 and 3: “My beloved has gone to his garden to the beds of spices to feed his flock in the gardens and to gather lilies. I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine. He feeds his flock among the lilies.” He is with His people-in their midst.

RE:Number 61

by Heather - 12/09/20 8:16 PM
That should have read “morning stars SANG together.”

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Found $61 today!

by Ruth - 8/06/16 9:37 AM
The mystery of the $61 I found on the stairs has been solved! The money belongs to my upstairs neighbor, who unknowingly dropped it on her way to work yesterday morning & worried all day about losing it. She was so relieved when I gave it back to her last night! We then had a nice chat for the first time since she moved in to my apt. bldg. a few weeks ago. So I now think there was no special meaning to the number 61 in this case, but that the Lord used this incident as an opportunity to bless my new neighbor & become friends with her!

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RE: Found $61 today!

by Anonymous - 3/27/19 6:35 PM
Isaiah 61


by Cheryl - 6/19/17 3:20 PM
I have roots in Isa;61 physically as the town and year I was born in, and I have roots in it spiritually (book and verse) as a Ward of the state (Lord is upon me), familiar with afflicted, broken-hearted,captive and Prisoner by the time I was 21. I see and hear the number all the time as well. Calling code for country I was born as well.

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Life Span 61 Calculated In A Dream

by Albert - 3/11/17 10:03 PM
I had a dream where a group of people were seated for their life span on earth to be calculated of which I was among. Each was to pick a chair and present that chair from which the calculation would be done. When it was my turn, I picked a chair from the last row. But someone told me to rather picked those from the front rows since the last rows give shorter life span on earth. Unfortunately I couldn't get the front row and had to change mine with someone's chair. This person happened to be a co-worker. When my life span was calculated, I was given an age of the number 61. When it was the turn of my co-worker, he was pronounced to be already dead.
Now in reality, my co-worker is having a court case for embezzling funds at the work place.
Please I need an explanation to this dream.

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Found $61 today!

by Ruth - 8/05/16 2:58 PM
The $61 (3 $20s + a $1) was folded in half in the center of a step about halfway up the stairs outside my apt. I noticed it when I returned from the Safeway store at 10:00 this morning & walked by the stairs on the way to my apt. The money was so neatly placed that I wondered if it had been left there deliberately! Only 2 of my neighbors live at the top of those stairs -- I contacted one lady who said the $61 wasn't hers & left a note for the other lady to knock on my door when she comes home from work. I've asked the Lord to show me if there is any spiritual significance to finding $61 & welcome your input also!

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Born in 61

by Maria Magdalena - 1/15/11 4:23 PM
I was born in 1961 & have been seeing the number 61 so much lately, even just now 61 showed up on my thermostat! I just turned 50 on New Years so have been noticing it more & more.

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RE: Born in 61

by Anonymous - 9/23/13 2:47 PM
I have the same problem! I hurt my knee in eighth grade so I can't play football anymore. I was number 61 and now I hear it everyday or see it everyday

RE: Born in 61

by Anonymous - 8/03/16 8:11 PM
Yesterday I found 61 cents on the ground outside , at two different times in the day, one on my walk and then later in the carport. It was in the same increments, 2 quarters , a dime, and a penny. I was born in 1961!

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by Canusee - 4/22/14 4:22 PM
its seems every major event is based around this number in some way

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by Canusee - 4/13/14 8:39 AM
1961 august 4th obamas birthdate ....There are 61 days between kennedys death & 911 bombing also george w. Bush was born in 1946 exactly 61 years later ...........Obama begins presidential campaign ....So can u solve whats to come .... I can

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number 61

by janice - 11/06/13 7:11 AM
does anyone have an idea this keeps happening?? it's getting scary...

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How has your life developed?, I want to talk about the life challanges of people born 1961

by naya man - 5/15/13 4:19 PM
I have faced many challenges as a black man born in 1961. I also have had the opportunity to do things that other have not.In short I am tree who's fruiting a new seed. I am rebounding from a bout with homelessness even though I have had major life interactions with individuals who have made their marks on the world. I have coined a phrase, to describe my life it goes," Always in the presence of "greatness but never great" as I grow older I want this to change and so I am seeking information to see if this is the attitude of other people born in 1961.

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by Grampa Walton (Town of Rockish) - 8/27/12 5:02 AM
GOD = 61 (jewish)
--->6.1 min = 366 sec
--->hr/min/sec hand at 3/6/6 = (3:30:30)*

(333) sec = 0.0925 hr
--->Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 925 (Jewish)

Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 754 (hebrew)
Shem Qadshi = 754 (hebrew)
--->"My Holy Name"


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by LEFEBVRE - 3/27/11 5:05 AM
pour moi c'est le nombre de l'amour mais je lui distingue d'une couleur noire mais avec un point blanc.
mais la couleur noire je vois 61 c'est tout, les autres 6 je ne vois pas noire

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by Chichi - 7/23/12 6:59 AM
1 is the number 7 added up and 7 means completion... Probably why you feel safe

Jack Jordan's Diary (Page 1)

by Not Jack Jordan - 3/22/12 1:12 PM
61 seconds = 1.01666 minutes
10:16 PM = 22:16

John 10:30 "I and the Father are One"
-->1:00 PM = 13:00

13 seconds = 0.21666 minutes

God = 61 (Jewish)

61 seconds = 0.0169444 hours
16:94 (hr/min) = 17:34
1734 seconds = 28.9 minutes
-->289 seconds = 4.81666 minutes
-->48:16 (hr/min) = 2.16 (day/min)

216th Day = 8/4
84 seconds = 1:24
124 seconds = 2:04
-->2:04 PM = 14:04
-->1404 seconds = 23.4 minutes

234th Day = 8/22
-->822 seconds = 13.7 minutes
-->God's Numbers = 137

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Number 61

by Timothy Byford - 1/10/12 12:53 AM
I dreamed about the number 61 last night. I am 70 years old - the number of times 61 appears in the Bible

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by Anonymous - 12/29/11 6:04 PM
61 in 61. Roger Maris

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by Anonymous - 11/16/08 5:41 AM
This number follows me and when I see this number I feel safe.

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