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27 scares me

by a girl - 9/02/14 10:49 AM
hello, guys, i have experience with this number too. and i dont like it at all, as it is all bad. i see this number usually right before i make some mistake i regret a lot later, or right before something bad happens. i have a lot of stories with this number. and today i am seeing this number A LOT and this makes me scared as hell. i said to myself, "it is just a number, i will look elsewhere and i will not see it again" and here is what happened: i turned the tv on, and saw 27 on a door immediately, then played a video on youtube and this view was 123....27th, then i checked my phone to see the time and it showed 19:27... and these things happened in 1-2 minutes. I saw 27 before i did the biggest mistake of my life a few years ago, and then i was wondering whether to do the thing that turned out to be a mistake or not. I guess this number is some kind of warning for me, and now i try to be more careful, but it is so hard, i got used to see this number and sometimes i predict what will happen to me, i see the number and i just assume what could happen and it happens. but i am seeing this number so many times today and i dont know what to do now. if anyone can help me somehow, please, do. i dont know what to do with this number and the feeling that something bad is going to happen anytime now is killing me :(

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