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by Clancy from Yggdrasil - 5th Dimension - 10/24/16 4:22 PM
47 is a spiritual balance. A balance of your 4th and 7th chakra. Union (heart) and Ascension (divine mind). Having these chakras aligned or "opened" allows for evolution to occur. A spiritual and super conscious evolution. Just because you're seeing 47, 747,347, etc. doesn't mean something bad is happening or is going to happen. It's more of subliminal reminder from the cosmos or the matrix that you need to change something in your life in a positive way, or that you are moving closer to your source (since everybody has their own form of dogma for their specific reality)
57 is a path that will show itself to you after you have had some form of spiritual ascension or consciousness transformation. 47 isn't the only balance.
SoundCloud: Black Alchemy
It's time for a generation of spiritual deities and pure souls to transcend music and get the real message of 47 and other spiritual functions out there, especially for the youth. A superconscious youth would be the smartest, most understanding, healing generation that has existed besides ancient times.
Everything is possible.
From mythological creatures to the idea of GOD.
From angels to demons.
There needs to be a new theory of light and color that is universally known.
A theory of the creation of sound is also needed as it would answer our questions of divine creation.
All is sound.
All, is sound.
Theology, Philosophy, Science, Art, Physics, and Literature are the sources for knowledge that if intertwined can answer questions like:
Are there parallel universes?
Is there a god?
What am I?
Is there a Matrix?
What is perception?
What is reality?

- Clancy from Yggdrasil - 5th Dimension

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