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by David - 7/28/15 6:56 AM
As the days continue to pass and the more things that continue to line upon almost convinced that we are in the last days! I was born under 7/77 yet my life never reflected anything holy at all,however in recent years my life has change to the point were I myself don't know who I was but now at this point in time I'm certain that I am a servant of God! I'm hear to tell everyone I lived a lifetime of guilty pleasure now I live to serve Gods purpose due to the smile realization that without our awesome creator none of us would be here! So with that said I say to you all,if you know that you were not created simply to be selfservant then choose to serve God!,your God the one and only God that created us all,serve him whatever gifts The Lord may have blessed you with use them don't waste them! To those that think they have no gifts please dig deeper I assure you that God gave you a special gift that you can use in your everyday life to serve him! Do it! I promise your life will start to move in ways you may have imagined impossible! You must have faith and believe! God bless us all!

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RE: 777

by Anonymous - 11/01/15 4:45 AM

RE: 777

by L.M.Enoch - 11/01/15 2:10 PM
Yes, Amen Amen!! David, I could not have said it better myself!! Keep Spreading that Truth to all that are in ur Life and all the new people that our Holy Creator leads into ur path!! We are His Servants here on earth and Worshippers for eternity! Never give up! Even when the road seems long and tough...it is soo worth every second! Glory to God always and Thank you my King Jesus!

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