8 Comments for Birthday

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by Daryl - 2/24/17 3:14 PM
I just started seeing this number 23 like crazy and been made aware of my surroundings at all times been praying on it so hard and crazy spiritual things have been happening but get so frustrated because I want to know what things mean and know one has answered but the bible. And to make things even more awe my birthday is 02-20-1981

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RE: Birthday

by Yoanna - 3/07/17 11:39 AM
Hiya me too! I would like to share more with you. This has become my daily! Iv started posting on youtube too my name is Joanna joanna...number 23,44, 144, 33,3, 55 etc all these numbers are a way of God communicating with you. You have eyes to see! GOD IS SURELY WITH YOU. Not sure how your doing with your walk now. Know you aren't alone and there are others going through it. We are one Family in Yeshua. Stay strong and pray for others. Pray for the man child and read and study the Exodus the Gospels and Revelation. Please email me and anyone else going through this or even if you want to find out more. One body One church through our Messiah Yeshua Amen

RE: Birthday

by Anonymous - 9/28/17 12:13 AM
23=2/3...666/ god created man on day 6....carbon is the 6th element on the periodic chart, we r carbon based,...666 represents man,NO evil,religion is the selling of salvation which is bs. divinity lies within each and everyone of us. LOOK WITHIN, not outward 4 GOD. the GREAT DECEPTION. YOUR SPIRIT IS GOD!!! wake up ppl. Will u let ur body/flesh b your boss or ur SPIRIT? that is the test u r taking right now and over and over we fail, thats why we r still here.

RE: Birthday

by Anonymous - 9/28/17 12:19 AM
23 is a karmic reward number/star of the lion...leo/regulus,the king star connected to sept. 23 2017 revelation 12. look it up


by Mason - 9/29/17 4:03 PM
Ive been going thru the samething im also part of the manchild group myself....


by Dom - 10/27/17 8:12 AM
I've been seeing 23 everywhere. The time, licence plates, bus numbers, and even phone numbers. I hear it on the radio, i hear it in songs. Me and my mother were born on August 23rd. My mom goes through the same thing and so does my sister. I have no idea what this number means but i dont feel any negative vibes around it. Sometimes i feel comfort when i see it. I dont really know what to think


by claire meaddows - 11/12/17 5:42 PM
I keep seeing been going on for ages help


by Anonymous - 12/21/17 10:29 PM
Take the replies at 12:13 and 12:19 AM + read the book Cosmic Trigger 1: Final Secret of the Illuminati

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