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Date has passed indogo child.

by Anonymous - 6/11/16 10:27 PM
I am posting this comment In 2016. 2012 is long gone. Where Is your army??? You pretend to know the answers and think you are the next king of humanity. You failed because you were never meant to succeed Indigo child. You failed because because you depend upon a spirit to grant you powers that will let you rule earth but to what cause. I Figured way back , that no one is going to help me and I must walk my path alone. I believe in doing a task and not claiming it proudly if I am not walking on the correct path. I have been working for my future and not eating cookies at home waiting for a specific date. I do not depend upon a saviour to protect us because that duty is ours. We have the right to protect our lives and depending upon a saviour Is simply running away from your responsibilities. The future is uncertain but the present is what you can control. The power you seek is already inside us. It is locked in a chamber that we ourselves do not have access to. You have to make a key in order to unlock the door and not just expecting it to be unlocked by itself.

And to the guys who are watching the number 27, leave the topic . There are millions of people who were born on 27 and who see 27 on a clock or somewhere else. Similarly there are millions of people who see the no. 11,6,5,8,12,3,56 etc all the time. It doesn't mean anything. If it did, you would have figured it out long back.

To humanity, I say this, wake up from this illusion that you think is real. You have the power to make change. Why not use it? If you have power then you have a responsibility that you must fulfill. Good luck for changing the world.

7 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: Date has passed indogo child.

by Anonymous - 6/14/16 3:01 PM
hmmmmmm....... you posted at 10:27. Jut saying...

RE: Date has passed indogo child.

by Anonymous - 8/31/16 11:20 PM
Yes my friend we all need the Savour . your pride of self sufficiency that doesn't know how to get free from this deception or even to realize that is what this all is. will take you to an eternal place you don't want to go..Try Jesus.. ask Him to save you and give you his peace.. my heart goes out to all of you.. you all sound so disturbed and confused.. you can be set free.. I did..

RE: Date has passed indogo child.

by Anonymous - 1/12/17 10:22 PM
I dont believe that we need a savior. Do i have to believe in Jesus Christ to be save? What will he do? But I am thankful for the life that I have. I believe in God though. But not in Jesus... why do we need to be save? Are you sure that they are telling the truth? I thought that we are here to learn. Why do we ned to go to hell when we sin? And those who are good go to heven? Good or bad its only your perception. What good thing happens to me might b a bad thing for you.
A savior, i think its an excuse for the things that we could have done but not done.

RE:Date has passed indogo child.

by Nanajones - 2/05/17 1:01 AM
No savior is needed people are so brainwash...

RE:Date has passed indogo child.

by Anonymous - 3/28/17 6:03 PM
Ooo snap haha

RE: Date has passed indogo child.

by Anonymous - 7/03/17 4:53 AM
Don't listen to another's advice. Only you know what is best for you, nobody can tell you what you know deep inside, so Follow Your Heart!!!

RE: Date has passed indogo child.

by Anonymous - 2/07/18 1:20 PM
Why are you so worried about armies and protecting thiS fragile little existence which is not life but death because that’s the only thing but guaranteed if you fall under debts power which is what I feel you have because you’re worried about your life do you not realize that the next existence is the real life and the battle is wage spiritually and physically but everybody out there that I’ve seen that preaches eternal life always says in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus they do not realize what they are saying I am not taking away anything from my compatriots we are traveling through the universe and be starving ourselves on many material world however this world is confused Air so worried about right and wrong and black and white I making divisions and loss for themselves why can’t you all just believe in the meaning of the name Yeshua or Jesus or Joshua they all mean the same thing and that is he who God will save that is the army you seek arming yourself with the power that can destroy any army and 27 maybe the number that will determine everything for this era do you not realize that you will judge yourself and how you have judge may come back on you many timesfold I will not judge you I will try to Enlighten you and remember to bless instead of curse because being human is very hard and that’s why I came as sin So I could be compassionate and have love for all

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