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For many years now

by Michael - 8/26/10 3:36 AM
This number was brought to my attention many years ago by a female friend who used to date a police officer whose badge number was 222. She used to play the number every day. She said to me, "watch .. you're going to see that number everyday now". Boy was she right. Ever since she pointed that out, it's everywhere .. a few times a day. Not only on digital clocks and plate numbers, but phone numbers, forms, and addresses. I was a police officer when I first had this pointed out to me and any time I was sent to an address that was 222 .. I would ask someone else to go for fear that I meant something horrible. I was tearing apart a box the other day to put it out with the recycling, and for some unknown reason, as I tore it apart, there was the number hidden underneath the glued flaps. I started taking pictures of it to share my experiences with my friend. I took cell phone pics of an ambulance, a fire truck, buildings and a bunch of other things. I was relieved to see this page existed when I googled "the significance of 222". However, for me .. nothing extremely bad or good has ever followed. This remains one of life's greatest mysteries for me. I NEED to know what it means ! I cringe on Feb 22 of every year. As a footnote, this has never happened with any other number.

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RE: For many years now

by Anonymous - 12/01/10 7:16 AM
OK, I'll join in the discussion! Ah, the 2's (and 5's, actually!) in my life!! I bought my Grandfather's house after his death in 1993 (yes 1+19+9+3 DOES = 22, but we digress!). My home's address is 222. I finally married my #2 (and finaly, thank you!) husband and we decided to make our Wedding Date 2/22 in 2007. I could NOT get the Mayor to come to the house EXACTLY at 2:22pm, but I did ask! I tell you all this because I have NO FEAR of this number whatsover, but it does follow me around, too, so I thought I would help "fate" and make my own date happen! I always wake up in the middle of the night (attributed lately to MS and trips to the "water closet"! 9 times out of 10, the Cablevision clock reads.... 2:22pm, or when I finally get back to sleep it does. Both my sons also notice that every time they seek the time on a weekend or in school, it happens to be 2:22pm. Coincidence? I'd like to think so, but definitely somewhat mysterious.

RE: For many years now

by Anonymous - 12/11/12 2:53 PM
was his name nigel

RE: I though it was just me

by sam - 12/11/12 5:05 PM
222 has been all in my life for years now I remember the first the time it showed up and boy did it show up I was in a gas station making a purchase with a ten dollar bill i dont remember what I bought but I remember my change three 2 dollar bills this was so odd I played the lottery that day and I won 1500.00 the next day and I have seen 222 almost everyday for 12 years.

RE: For many years now

by Anonymous - 4/23/13 7:54 AM
i don't know what 222 means for you, but i can certainly tell you that for several years, before i sought out its meaning for me, i was also PLAGUED with it. at first, i was certain it was in my head, because, who after all looks for meaning in "random" numbers? i am not going to go into detail, but 222 in my life has ONLY meant positive, good, things and events. i was afraid it carried a negative meaning, which kept me from seeking out a potential meaning, moreover, i was unwilling to find out about anything that i thought had to do with darkness or occult matters. however, i think god does try to communicate with us and sends angels of light to also attempt communication. we as humans tend to communicate numerically, that is to say numbers have meaning to us. if u have 2 apples in one hand, and 1 apple in the other, that makes 3 apples, and we can make sense out of that. so therefore, i decided it isn't necessarily evil or it doesn't have to be associated with the occult if we experience these numbers, rather quite possibly legitimate communication from all that is good, and positive, and of god, and of light.

as i said 222, for me, has meant positivity and goodness. i was, for a period in my life of about 4-5 years completely bombarded by this number on a DAILY basis, in every possible imaginable way. was very scary at first, because i am a sceptic, but then ultimately was calmed by its presence. in short for me i suspect now, that it was a sign for me to follow my dreams and my goals. when i began to do that i also began to experience more happiness. from my experience it means to follow your dreams and goals, if u do this and continue to see 222, it means u are doing the right thing and to continue and do not stop no matter what.
all the best.

RE: For many years now

by Anonymous - 5/13/13 12:23 PM
Steve Irwin was born on 222.

RE:For many years now

by Anonymous - 8/01/13 7:36 PM
Wow, thanks all of you for your post. I am glad to know that I am not the only one haunted by this curse or blessing. I was first introduced to this 222 at work one day. I was weighing a pallet on the shipping scale it was 222 lbs., the bill of lading for that order was #222, I thought wow what a coincidence and that was the end of that...so I thought. When I got of work that day I noticed the car in front of me had the #222 in it's license plate, by now I'm wondering. I stopped at the grocery store near my home and I could not believe me eyes when I looked over at the guy stooped beside me and noticed he had the number 222 tattooed on the side of his neck, I thought I was in a horror movie at this point and called a few friends to tell them about my situation. Since then I see the number on buses, clocks, papers or anywhere there is a numerical sequence.

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