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I'm back with more information

by Anonymous - 10/19/13 9:48 AM
Hey, I'm back. I'm the person from THIS CAN HELP ALL OF US and I've found better information. While digging, I found a few websites with meaning to the number and I found this

Satan's schemes:
When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it, Then it says "I will return to the house I left." When it arrives it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and out in order. Then it takes with it seven spirits (in this case, all of us) more wicked than itself, and they go and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first

I don't know how reliable this is, but at this point, nothing sounds crazy unless someone says, "This is just a coincidence." Because it's obviously not if there are more than 3 people who are seeing this number.

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RE: I'm back with more information

by Isaac - 4/01/18 9:34 AM
What correlation do you find between what you are saying and the number(s) 56? Where do these "rules" come from and why do you believe in them enough to manifest* them on this page? That is fear in action.

Personally I believe the number 56 represents taking responsibility of your existence and your potential influence over it. You would probably interpret it more in the lines of "paying for your sins/punishment from God/final judgement/no mercy", but that's because Christianity (in today's form, anyway) is based in fear of judgement over your actions and the promise of an afterlife.

As far as I can sense and experience, this life is all that "matters" (ambiguity). The afterlife comes 'after-life', not "afterdeath" - it is the product of life.

Therefore, I will take complete responsibility for my own path and destiny within it, for I am and always have been at the mercy of the paths of others. Yin and Yang.

RE: I'm back with more information

by Anonymous - 5/03/18 10:52 AM
Where did you find this information? 56

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