4 Comments for io

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by Anonymous - 5/21/09 7:03 AM

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RE: io

by HouseJustice - 3/19/10 9:08 AM
It could mean:

"End of the Beginning" (ie "10/ End" of the "Beginning/ 01" =10.01)

But I am not a certified numerologist. Ask the United Nations

the right answer

by Madz - 5/26/17 5:12 AM
its the new beginning after something has come full circle and complete .the first new phase after full ending completion of the old . birth after death -new after old -renewal -a butterfly shedding out of caccoon transition and transformation . it is also perfect and balanced - the one is the masculine embracing zero the feminine .it is the feminine divine within masculine divine .it is the number of union and balance of potential seed force and the spirit .it is a palindrome .1 is the spirit -the beginning and the end -the first and the last .the alpha and the omega and all that is of less is the potential god force and eternity within and in between .it is the number of cycle and flow . Intuition and spirit and balance of both as well as union of both .It is a sign of human mind embracing the god within and connecting with the spirit . when instincts are polished with intuition and awareness . it is spiritual awakening of potential survivor .you are in union with god and you are embraced by the spirit within and without ..all around from begining to end . Continous never ending flow and eternity no begining no end eternal and ever flowing cycle .focus on eternity not end ...continue the beigining phase and be curious about future ...its only a begining when you connect with spirit .


by Anonymous - 5/26/17 5:17 AM
Born Again you have transited from earth cycle of life and death to eternity in union with the spirit . you are Saved ...you will only continue to new phase there is no end .

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