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just a heads up

by Anonymous - 6/11/16 2:21 PM
Anyone who believes the devil only has 6666 followers is greatly mistaken. The angels of heaven greatly outnumber the stars and that is after the devil was cast out. When Lucifer, the devil, was cast out he took 1/3 of the angels with him. And that's just of the angels, there are other things in heaven, hence the devil had even more just angels in his army. There is an old saying,"when taking a castle attack with 10 times the forces". LUCIFER was beautiful and wise in God's sight. God is infinitely wise, so we know Lucifer is far wiser than any man. If he didn't have more troops God then his troops were definitely stronger. Bottom line the devil is not someone you want to mess with.

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RE: just a heads up

by Need help here - 9/30/18 11:22 PM
I have been attacked by armies of the dark for more than 2 years. This sounds crazy but to add up the numbers of entities i’ve encountered are in thousands and the numbers of injuries in my body are as equal. I pray every day, confess all my sins, and forgive and bless those who continue to wrong me. I’m beginning to feel less pain and attacks just recently. Today I noticed the number 16666 on my car’s odometer as I parked my car in the garage. Could anyone tell me if this is a sign???

RE: just a heads up

by Anonymous - 7/09/19 2:21 PM
Satan has a billion demons in Revelations...

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