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Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Christopher - 3/29/12 7:48 AM
I now know words are matched to numbers, but there are over one million words in the English language. I've been writing them down whenever I see them. The freaky thing is I now get a voice that says "Look at the clock", or "Look left", "Look right", "Look in the sky". Before it was just usually a feeling or urge, now it's usually a voice. The commas represent each day, dashes each event.

616-626, 616-636, 313-333-414, 1001-333-313-333-333-333, 3993-818-1212-303-313-414-626, 929-939-444-626, 333-929-333-959.

818-858-909-101-404-747, 636-111-212-313-404-939, 242-414-515-111, 636-737-919-202-212-515-545-616-737-747-808-919-949, 626-919-929-111-212-333-757-848-1010, 242-505-555-616-626-707-808-949, 909-919-1001-111-777-424-717-818-828.

333-717-525-555-656-727, 505-616-737-747-818-929-515-606-808, 1221-434-444-555-656-707-232-222-434-646-444, 848-515-848-858-434-656-252, 1212-232-353-404-1221-212-838-111, 1212-1221-949-1001-212-333-929-1010, 101-202-757-323-404-515.

1221-303-444-939, 1212-212-303-747-838-919-939-757-808-828-232-323-444-111, 111-404, 222-333-242-252-797-101, 1212-303-333-131-7337-717-737-828-1001, 444-454-818-1221, 1212-535-656-949-101-131-636-111-606-717-202-252-949-959.

1212-202-111-323-525-858-252-444-505-414-424-444-454-757, 111-121-111-1010, 252-747, 717-101-707-333-444-444-656-919-1111, 111-727-747, 404-444-747-757-818-848-858-242-404-515-555, 434-444-454-858-909-919-313-525-858-929-949.

232-343-555-818-828-848-909-535-606-626-636, 727-909-222-757-929, 202-656-737-444, 444-555-656-212-424, 111-616-202-646, 1221-141-424-242-323-343, 454-414-656.

101-111-909, 303-333-454-717-959, 111-606-727-757-353-555-646, 202-404-444-717-959, 222-323-505-444-454-727-949, 101-333-505, 111-1212-333-444-626.......

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RE: Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Christopher - 4/04/12 7:37 AM
626.......939, 313-444-616-303-323-707.

313-323-505-828-333-343-1010, 111-212-252-343-414-1111, 444-737-808-959-101-111-606-626-747, 454-616-707-717-949-111-454-606-1111, 444-454-626.......

RE: Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Anonymous - 4/05/12 8:12 AM
It does not work that way.

RE: Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Christopher - 4/14/12 9:44 AM
626.......5555-808-818-828-656, 252-454-202-404-414, 353-424-545-555-616-717-949-939-111.

414-545-646-656-525-656, 131-313-616-929-111-212-949-323-404-929-414-434-444-535-656-707-747-404-111-323-838-444-828-939-959, 121-323-444-949-505-424-444-525, 626-848-202-252-313-444-707, 242-252-414-444-505-747.......

RE: Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Anonymous - 4/18/12 10:53 AM
It does not mean anything.

RE: Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Jack - 4/25/12 3:00 PM
Christopher, I'f you know God, i.e. born-again, and it's Gods voice (or one of the Trinity) then the "words", represented by the numbers, would probably be in Hebrew.

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by JC - 2/28/13 7:05 PM
Christopher, What have you found so far? Have you been able to nail down a message? A common pattern?

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Tiffany - 8/18/13 1:01 AM
I've been looking for almost 2yrs now for the significance of these mirror image number patterns I see every day all day-from the time on the clock to my new lisence plate(#'s & letters are mirror image) etc. I always see the pattern just like you've indicated. I really wish I could find out something/anything that could enlighten me to whats r really been going on! You are the first person I've found that is seeing these patterns like I do, yet still no answers or ideas to whats really happening!? Not only do you seem as baffled as I do, but now I more then ever feel beyond confused since reading your story and then finding out you and I seem to be the only ones that see this type of pattern!? Maybe you and I should compare our life from the time we started seeing this particular pattern to see if maybe there is some sort of significance to it!?

RE: Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Anonymous - 10/04/13 2:45 PM
Awesome! The more we relax and release all judgment and preconceived notions, the answers come. Sometimes in another riddle or hearing voices (audio sentience. I want to hear more Christopher

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Mya - 10/04/13 2:52 PM
Everything has a meaning. 333 is to let you know your Angels are with you keeping you safe and guiding you through a rough patch and onto your next stage. This happens whether you believe it or not & if you are noticing it, your enlightenment is blossoming. ;)

RE: Many numbers, 626 636 646

by Anonymous - 10/17/13 5:17 PM
I need help. Theres a lot going on in my life n these numbers r of significance n Ive been trying to figure out wat dey mean. Ive see all in a row 626 6:36 6:46. Tomorrow is a full moon, could someone help please

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Cupid881 - 12/05/13 7:17 PM
This has been happening so much its freakin me out... I see it everytime i look at the time or anything. Im praying asking God to reveal why this is happening. Im comforted in knowing im not the only one.

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Cupid881 - 12/05/13 7:19 PM
Look at the time entry posted

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Leonardo - 4/28/14 6:43 PM
I've been seeing this too since the beginning of the year 2014 I don't understand I see it every time I look at the clock either it's repeated numbers like 333 444 777 1111 1212 1010 i'm also a Sagittarius and I was told that I was in a new beginning and ending of my past so I went on Google and I has to question why am I seeing repeated numbers and he came up with this website

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Leonardo - 4/28/14 6:46 PM
Also numbers like 454 515 909 707 can someone help pls

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Leonardo - 4/28/14 6:47 PM
I just noticed the time of my last message was at 6:46 look up above

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Christopher - 5/06/14 5:13 PM
"by Jack - 4/25/12 3:00 PM

Christopher, I'f you know God, i.e. born-again, and it's Gods voice (or one of the Trinity) then the "words", represented by the numbers, would probably be in Hebrew."

Thank you Jack, I will see what I can do...never looked into Hebrew much. Christ was Hebrew or so I have recently read.

Off subject; A poem of life, still working on it.........

Darkened days by length submit to a suns rebirth;

Snows melt with sun as waters flow;

Springs life shoots blossoms pleasant scents adrift;

Seeds dispersed settled with mother earth;

Rains pour heavens jewels shimmering rays;

Their being embraces joy of life, with earths bossom a suns guidance they rise in conscionious;

Summer solstice comes and goes to breeze rustles red and golden leaves;

Falling again to earth they begin, dried leaves in a late Autum breeze;

Forgetting who they are.

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Christopher - 6/02/14 11:14 PM
333; Are you ready for a new world, I know I am.


Darkened days by length submit to a suns rebirth;

Snows melt with sun as waters flow;

Springs life shoots blossoms pleasant scents adrift;

Seeds dispersed settled in mother earth;

Rains pour heavens jewels shimmering rays;

Their being embraced joy of life, with earths bossom a suns guidance they rise in conscionious;

Summer solstice comes and goes to rustle red and golden leaves;

Falling again to earth they begin, dried leaves in a late Autum breeze;

Forgetting who they are.


Am I but a single drop of rain falling from a distant sky, to become one with an endless sea?

Or am I but a single drop of rain falling from a distant sky, to help a lonely flower bloom?

I fear becoming lost in an endless sea, but will be found in a lonely flowers bloom.

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by JC - 8/09/14 8:05 AM
Tiffany, I too see these all the time. I've been trying to figure it out, but nothing so far.

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Nat - 8/18/14 12:44 PM
Ive been seeing this stuff for three years it actually stopped for a while and I thought maybe it was just all in my head but its started up again and its more intense now
But I remember that after the numbers stopped a lot of dramatic events started occurring
Also did anyone start seeing the numbers after a relative or someone close died?

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Christopher - 10/09/14 11:52 AM

Darkened days by length submit to a sun's rebirth;
Snows melt with sun as waters flow.

Spring life shoots blossoms pleasant scents adrift;
Seeds dispersed settled in mother earth.

Rains pour heaven's jewels shimmering rays;
Their being embraced joy of life, with earth's bosom, a sun's guidance they rise in consciousness.

Summer solstice comes and goes to rustle red and golden yellow leaves;
Falling again to earth they begin, dried leaves in a late Autumn breeze;
Forgetting who they are.

Global depopulation will continue at an increasing pace, but fewer will care as they're scattered and distracted helping to spite the Creator. Who will remain to start over?

RE: Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Simon from Oz - 10/16/14 4:47 AM
Thomas liked what you wrote would you like to communicate.What your sayimg really clicks.Ill write to you on the weekend.

RE: Many numbers, 333 is common.

by johnny - 10/23/14 4:57 PM
thank you for your verse .....do not fear christopher that only restricts your growth,be happy to join the sea of beautiful humans and let us working together become one in consiousness ...johnny

RE: Many numbers, 333 is common. life ?

by johnny - 10/23/14 5:02 PM
why is it christopher you see death instead of life ,darkness is death and life is light , please post a comment and another nice verse ...johnny

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Chantie - 1/27/15 4:45 AM
Another sheep into the fold. I too have been seeing these number sequences for year. It started with triple digit 777,111,444 then I see quads 4444, 1111, 8888 and in the last several months I see the mirror images this was yesterday and I wrote about them. In the morning 656, 707,808,838 in the afternoon-evening 454,545,737,
Number are messages from the angels and they are ways to pay attention to our thoughts mostly. Doreen Virtue is an expert Angel communicator and wrote many books. The following is from her book called Angel Numbers 101.
The messages seem to flow together like one message, it's interesting.

656 – All is well even though appearances may feel stressful. Beneath it all is divine order. You will soon see that the changes that are occurring are answers to your prayers.
707 – God’s wisdom is guiding you in the right way. Move forward in confidence.
808 – Everything you need is supplied to you in obedience. Open your arms to receive all the good that your creator bestows on you now. This obedience comes to you in many ways, including ideas, opportunities, and people who offer to help you. Be sure to notice and follow these answers to your prayers.
838 – Keep pray and spirituality at the center of your consciousness, and avoid focusing on the material aspects of life (especially money)
454- The changes that you’re considering have been suggested to you by your guardian angels and your archangels. You are literally answering your prayers as you take these necessary steps to make healthful changes.
545 – Keep in constant prayerful contact with the angel as you venture into new life areas. Give any fears or concerns to them.
737 – The ascended masters say you’re flying high, so keep up the good work!

To your peace and peace of mind!

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by nikki - 4/01/15 3:38 AM
I really thought i was losing my mind so grateful to have found this and know I'm not the only one.. This started around the passing of my grandmother and has really happened a lot more since there has been some added stressors in my life..

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Anonymous - 6/20/15 8:41 PM
All I've seen for 2 years straight were the numbers 737...litterally everywhere.... license plates...randomly waking up at that time...check stubs.... even the other night when I paused a movie..it just happened to pause on 737...this is not an exaggeration

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Rochelle - 6/29/15 8:40 PM
I see the number 858 everywhere. What does it mean?

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Rajesh - 7/23/15 10:37 AM
I am keep seeing all 1111 1313 222 808 818 828 838 909 919 929 939 606.. 546 , 321 ... all this no from past 4 months.Currently I am facing lots of problem in my life from relationship to Job issues.

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Christine - 1/06/16 1:17 AM
I see all these numbers too 343 716 111 etc & I took note for myself when it began, I was wishing my life would change,& before it started to, I would see 1111, and iv been progressing, when I put another request out to the universe, I start seeing number patterns again till what I want is accomplished, & today I have been seeing patterns again because I put another request out to the universe, I can't wait for it to happen. Sometimes some of the number patterns are like telling me to keep positive so what I want happens, they sometimes show when I start to doubt and it reminds me to snap out of it and be happy and all will be fulfilled :-)

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Hmmmmm.... - 10/15/17 10:28 PM
Can't reveal too much of what you believe bcuz devil influences our community of thought that endangers our beloved angels. Just know your life is evolving and patterns offer signs like words read from a dictionary.

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Hmmmmm.... - 10/15/17 10:31 PM
Can't reveal too much of what you believe bcuz devil influences our community of thought that could endanger our beloved angels. Just know our lives are evolving and patterns offer signs like rhythmic rhyming words tell us that Humpty Dumpty Trumpty is going to have a big fall...off the wall.

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Mirrored numbers - 1/03/20 9:11 PM
I rarely look at the clock that I don’t get mirrored numbers. I started the years worse than ever. I don’t usually look at clock but it’s not only in the clock, it’s also in license plates and house numbers. Anyone has a link to find out more about this ?

RE:Many numbers, 333 is common.

by Mary Ellen schuett - 3/17/22 12:45 AM
I just started seeing these numbers like this two days ago. I normally see repeating numbers like 111 222 333 ex I've also been seeing 1222 and 1234 5432 an so on . So I noticed right away when the change up happened. Does anyone try looking around at the real world instead of in a book or computer. If all the angel numbers stand for something that's going on in your life at that time maybe it's not trying to lead us to something maybe it's something we need to find within our selves at that moment. Maybe seeing these numbers is showing us we need to pay attention to what is going on in our personal selves because it's we are going to be apart of something amazing. What if it has something to do with the coming of Christ and the 1,44,000,000 maybe we are some of the people that are going to be involved in one of the biggest events of all time. Or I am just losing my mind and I'm a crazy person that has lost her mind lol . My name is Mary an I'm socially awkward. I'm sorry I was just throwing my thoughts in to the mix . Maybe Im helping an not hurting the situation. I'm sorry I'm new at this !! I hope maybe to hear back from you. It's am.1:44 just saying

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