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My birthdate

by Anonymous - 1/23/13 12:58 PM
I was born on 12/12/91 and this year my birthday 12/12/12 i turned 21....i always find myself catching 12:12 when i look at the clock on 12/12/06 i turned 12 years old and it was one of the hardest years of my life. Ive always favored the number 12 and i know i have a anointing on my life.There are very few people in this world with the birth date 12/12. Im really trying to figure out the significances behind it all.

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RE: My birthdate

by Anonymous - 2/10/13 4:52 PM
I just had a son who was born on 12-12-12. He weighed 7 lbs 5 oz which equals you guessed it.

RE: My birthdate

by Cindy - 5/17/13 5:27 PM
My baby was also born on 12/12/12. But sadly, he passed away on 1/25/13 :(

RE: My birthdate

by dnalight - 10/05/13 3:20 AM
look into your spiritual purpose in your earthly life. The Ascended masters are with you and through numbers they are trying to communicate with you. 12 is a great number.

RE:My birthdate

by Robbie - 11/05/14 4:17 AM
I also see 12:12 and you posted this on my birthday. May we speak?

RE: My birthdate

by Anonymous - 1/30/15 12:04 AM
I was born 7/15/53. 7+1+5+5+3 is 21.Multiply the numbers and you get 5565. 5+5+6+5=21. Now look in the mirror...12? On 7/15/65, I turned 12. 7+1+5+6+5=24 (2X12).You could also say, I turned 21 in 84. 8+4=12.This year I'll be 62. 6X2=12. 7/15/2015. 7+1+5+2+0+1+5=21. There's that 12 & 21 again. Now if I gave this more than the 15 minutes I just spent, I'm sure I could come up with more?! Ended up here while researching the teams in the Super Bowl! Is # 12 going to win?? Go Brady, and the Boston Patriots!!!

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