4 Comments for Other meaning and occurences of #117

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Other meaning and occurences of #117

by Jaroslav - 8/03/14 10:06 AM
This number is the basic number of the Maya calendar,based also on the Sunspot cycles-magnetic fields,13*x9* in 1 day...Maya calendar:117 double is 234,double of that is 468 and then, 936 and then, 1872,multiplied by 10 is Maya cycle of 18720 days,and multiplied by 100 it is 13 Bak'tuns or 1872000 days... Furthermore,Pentateuch,or 5 books of Moses has 5850 verses,what is 117 Jubilees x 50 years for 1 Jubilee... Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter of the bible with only 2 verses...Psalm 118 is the cenral chapter in the Protestant(Western)bibles...Psalm 119 is the longest...Plus,the Maya knew 13 layers of heavens(13 houses of zodiac) and 9 gods of the Underworld(planets in our Solar system)...13x9 can be seen all over the world! This number is ASTRONOMICAL/COSMOGONICAL and COSMOLOGICAL!!!

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RE: Other meaning and occurences of #117

by Anonymous - 8/15/14 11:17 AM
Jaroslav, you. Are spot on.


by mel - 8/15/14 11:27 AM
you guys ar.e special people,this number is very auspicious. Soon I will be able to go public with information I've been working on over the past 7 to 8 months. Currently I have a proposal submitted with NASA regarding it, this number was also shown to me my whole life. It first started in a dream. I now have tangible mathematical evidence of the universal nature this number signifies.

RE:Other meaning and occurences of #117

by Anonymous - 9/28/14 9:52 PM
Born 11/7/84. The number has consumed me beyond understanding. I believe in science and rationale. I've been examining it's significance, diligently. It is beyond special. I am exceptionally gifted of whom borderlines genius intellect.

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