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Our Path

by Alex - 1/08/16 9:01 AM
Of course I as well see 34 frequently, but almost too much. Today I woke from a dream and the time was 9:34 this happens very often. When you mentioned your compassion for creatures and how you were a dreamer it compelled me to reply. I woke from a dream today, the dream involved loved and compassion for a female this has been happening lately, non the less the female in my dream she changed actually to a form of evil energy or in other terms a demon. I have sworn my service to god many times and like you I previously would bash his existence trying to solve the universe. 34 is a sign god is with you, protecting you, or some type of higher ultimatum.when I woke up at 9:34 from this dream it made me realize there was something looking over me, something positive and if you look more into 34 what's looking over us are angels, or spiritually higher consciousness of other dimensions if you want to get scientific. Once I previously astral projected to come to the same demonic face that was in my dream. 34 means there are higher powers above protecting us from these negative entities. If you can't tell already there is a war raging currently and it goes much much higher than people. This is the war between good and evil, it has always raged, it will always be of existence. The life we currently live is set to decide our path, good or evil, who will you fight for. This religiously would refer to god and Satan, but of course it goes much higher than that. Think of god and Satan as recruiters, god knows the power of love and positivity will in time overcome evil and negativity. But Satan recruits as well that's why being a positive person and trying to help others goes a long way. These powers are in existence today they are all around us evil usually represents temptation, deny negative temptations please. Do not sleep with thy neighbors wife is a good representation of this, in fact dont sleep with anyone's wife simply to strengthen your own morals. In this life I am here to spread knowledge I am a being that can reform information rationally and spiritually. I am telling you pick your path but puck wisely, good or bad. There is also something known as the middle, you can view this as purgatory. This can happen when we allow ourselves to walk the middle line of good and bad, meaning we have not represented either side but both. I have sworn myself to good and god like i said, and realize three years ago I was an atheist try to figure this out as well. We all have a purpose please never give up, and please join me as a member of good we together can outlast any negative power that tries to grasp the world as we know it. Look at the world as we know it today isn't this the simple battle we face at all ends? Pick up the wallet or give it back. Life is quiet simple when you look at it in these terms because that's how its suppose to be. There ARE higher forms of consciousness and one day many of us will be apart of them, looking back at human existence as bacteria. Love your family love your friends love the people around you, we are all human, this life is very simple try to embrace that, but always remember to enjoy it just in the right way. To anyone that finds this outlandish and absurd, this is natural I understand. My reply, I will see you on the other side in some way or another, or I may not, either way its irrelevant. If your ever having a nice dream and something like what happened to me happened to me, take this as a sign the "devil" is trying to stray you from your path of good. If this is mind boggling I understand, please I only ask that you be the best person you can be, never give up on love, never give up on doing the right thing, do not give into the temptations of evil it will consume you.The number 9:34 when I woke today connected many pieces of my life, I am meant to be writing this post right now, and you are meant to be reading it, nothing is coincidence. One last thing I must add, evil cannot prevail in the end good beats evil, it has been foreseen, now choose your side, I'm warning you, choose wisely.

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