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real meaning of 777 in numerology

by Louise Virgo - 3/12/16 8:04 AM
Everyone is 3 numbers in ancient numerology. It is a formula in which you use your proper full name,your date of birth and the time you were born. My numbers were done by a proper numerologist in New York. Iwas born in Toronto Canada I grew up in Denver,Colorado and I've lived in Melbourne,Australia for over 25years returning to America 7 times. When the numerologist figured out that I was a 777 she looked astonished. She said that can't be right so she figured it out again. This time she looked freaked out, by this time I was getting worried, I said what's wrong, what does 777 mean what's the problem, by this time she had figured out my numbers the third time. She just sat and stared at me in complete astonishment mixed with fear. I kept asking her what's wrong what does it mean what's the big deal and she just got up and said I'm going on sabbatical. This happened to me in early January, 1995 in upstate New York. I didn't think too much about it I was visiting my father for 3 months. But when I got back to Australia I started trying to find out what it means. This was before Google and cellphones were rare. I found a book that mentioned 777 it was aka the inverted swastika. Alot of people don't know this but the swastika is an ancient symbol for protection against evil. The book also said that 777 means power over Satan. I've been very religious my entire life and have had Satanic cults after me since I was 19 yrs old. I've been at deaths door 7 times but by some miracle I always live. Danzig have a song called 777. So do Ramstein. My brother googled it about 7 mths ago and what came up was amazing. It said 777 is the number of God and the Angels. I have seen an angel 3 times. They are very tall 7 to 8 feet and they also sparkle. I read later on that Angels are made from diamonds and humans are made from the earth. This site that my brother googled I cant find it anymore. But it did say the 777 is part of God and the Angels and that it represents the female part of God. It is aka the Femla. This woman it says is a very enlightened being. She will have a great part to play in the end times. She has had 7 lifetimes and this is the 8th. She has the same number as the Angels. It is also Gods number. She will be persecuted by the evil ones. But they cannot harm her as she is protected because the holy ones will let no harm come to her. Gabriel protects her. All of you who have had 777 mean something to you are Gods chosen. It is a very good sign to have 777 come into your life. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. My life was content before all this came to me. I have been put thru hell but Jesus Christ makes sure that I have a bit of heaven after a demonic or satanic onslaught. God Bless you all you are the special ones. AMEN

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