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by Becky - 8/15/18 3:06 PM
When I was young on Sunday a yellow school bus would pick me up for Sunday School. It was a big church! This sounds bad but what I remember was the stuff they gave away on Sundays to get you to come. I don't remember the teachings! When I got older I walked down to the end of my street there was little church it was small, homely and more personal I loved to go there. I remember feeling Happy walking home. I've always Believed always. We Went as a family couple times South East Christen but the church was huge and service was televised. They had a coffee shop, ATM'S so many people but we didn't know anyone no meeting the minister! It just didn't feel right. I started trying to read the bible but I don't understand what I'm reading. I find myself questioning everything. Is this right, wrong, maybe I just don't really know! My Biggest fear it scares me the most is being deceived! Following a false profit because I don't Know! Will I know Him? You Know The part when it tells you not to come out stay in your home! Because it won't be him! I'm always thinking and wondering will I truly know it's him! Since I don't know the Bible well? You know out of everything, the whole flat earth I thought it's a no-brainer! I mean I understand It's a really BIG deceit but once I looked it up and seen the Bible had it written over and over. I was like " The Earth Is Flat"! I cried because it really hit me they had removed God in so many places! I didn't even realize it! Then I was mad that the ministers who go to school learn the Bible so they can teach us. Are they deceiving us too?

Well Thank's
Kind of along with all of this!
Some still Sleeping or Just Waking!!

3 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: Scared

by Anonymous - 11/30/18 10:00 AM
Becky, your fear is evidence that you want to know the truth. Jesus said "you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free". Along with this statement you must add another. He also said " I am the way the truth and the life".so seek Him and don't give up! HE will never never lead you astray. But people and numbers can! James 1:5 promises wisdom to anyone who asks while believing His word. He will not fail you! Place yourself in His hands, cause He won't ever drop you! As to leaving a church where you found no true fellowship with others of the faith?...well that's absolutely OK. True Church is family of Christ. Find a church home where the Bible is taught and there is a loving family welcome for you! I will pray for you on your journey. Just take Jesus at His word and He will "lead you home": both a church home and to your eternal home. See you there!

RE: Scared

by Anonymous - 2/20/19 7:08 PM
Look up Johnathan Kleck on YouTube. The truth is all that he delivers. Praise Jesus and may you finally see and hear the absolute truth. I was once exactly as you, struggling to understand the Bible. I finally had an honest conversation with the Lord God and pleaded for him to help me understand what I was reading. He led me to this person and I have never had a better understanding of the Bible as I do now. God bless you and hope you find the answers.☺

RE: Scared

by Anonymous - 10/18/20 6:56 PM
you already know him and she already knows you and if you are living in walking by Spirit then you will know that God is everything therefore you cannot bedeceived unless it be your own self deceiving your spirit

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