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social security numbers

by ytsirhc26 - 9/06/10 4:38 PM
I have been studying numerology for many years now, and am no stranger to reoccuring number sequences. The number 911(9:11) etc., constantly. 11:11, 1:11 etc. Many numbers are definantly a part of my everyday life, and I have learned to pay attention to them.
I was married in 1991, and am still married to the same man today. Recently, I found something rather odd, or atleast it is to me. I did the numerology on both mine, and my husband's social security numbers. Low and behlod, they were one in the same, even though our S.S. numbers are NOTHING alike. Both, his and mine, add up to the number 36. Pretty strange, or one hell of a coincidence, wouldn't you say?
The number nine, which ,of course, the number 36 breaks down to, is an amazing number! I am completely fascinated with the number because it seems to be a "magical number" to put it one way. The ways that the number nine works in numerology is unbelievable when you actually sit and study all of the things that 9 does, and how it works in working numerology.
But seriously, what are the odds that my husband and I have the exact same ending factor...36/9?!?!?!
Any input would be welcome.

3 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: social security numbers

by Anonymous - 11/11/13 3:46 PM
Hello! I'm pretty overwhelmed of this post of the number because it happens to me all the time and I finally searched for it! a lot in my mind but regarding the numbers of you and your husband I can only share.. that my parent's id card are the same(not the same order) at some point at their life they took notice of it.. I never tried to add them all up. will do it.

RE: social security numbers

by Anonymous - 11/11/13 4:17 PM
Oh! guess what? your reply date is my birthday... 9.6.90 what.. it mean.
it's me with the id numbers.

RE: social security numbers

by Anonymous - 4/05/15 1:04 AM
yep. 36 here too,and it is going to be good . ready!

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