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This prayer prayer likely saved my life, twice.

by Anonymous - 10/07/19 9:27 PM
This weekend I was traveling combining family events and business meetings. Driving to meet everyone at my grandmother's prior to the wedding, I was listening to a YouTube sucess in business module when I noticed the # of likes at 666 with 6 dislikes! I immediately looked up 6666 on this site. I could only read so much driving but caught the part to keep this prayer close to you for protection. I kepted this prayer up on my phone throughout the wedding and the 4.5 hour drive home after the wedding.
I left the wedding about 8pm starting my long drive home. About 12 am I'm driving out of the mountains with only two other cars significantly behind me. As I'm diving I noticed two headlights directly in front of me. For a aplit second I thought, did I drift into the other lane? I slowly moved to the right but noticed the lights follow mine as I tried to get out of the way, by now the cars were less than 20 ft from one another at 60 mph so I immediately jerked my car to the right as that car sped by without a single break sound or honk. My car started to spin back to front and by the grace of God I was able to get it back under control. I immediately looked in my rear view mirror as I pulled off the highway to calm down, that car headed straight for the car behind me. Thankfully, they saw what happened and the car head for them and they were able to get out of the way. To my shock, the crazy driver headed for the third car but they were already pulling off the road.
I called to notify 911. I was only 25 minutes from home so I got my shakes from what just happened under control and headed home. As soon as I walked in my house, I hit my knees and prayed to God and the Universe for thanking them for saving me from would've been death. I pulled up an app showing local accidents and 911 reports to see if they caught the person, they did. He was a recently released felon with 5 DUI arrests and a suspended drivers license. As I'm reading this another accident notification with a fatality popped up at the exit I just took to get home. A drunk driver lost control of their car and ran into a tree instantly killing themselves at the exit I was just at less than 5 minutes ago.
I could've very easily been in that!
I'm grateful for my angels watching over me and guiding me, especially during these odd events that certainly could've had a much different put come.
I'll keep this prayer on me at all times as it's proven the success I'm heading towards is stirring up demons as I go.

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