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time i was born

by angelina tait - 11/22/19 5:06 AM
I was born at 3:33 am and I want to know why is such a common number for me! I have 3 children,my favorite number is 9,i have 3 older brothers,n two younger,1 late older brother! There was 3 of us on the third day out in the country we saw 3 orbes but only one came really close that third night there but disappeared after a minute! Don't remember going to bed and we didn't even talk about it until a few yrs later! Are these angels or these aliens? I need some answers!

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RE: time i was born

by Anonymous - 2/07/20 1:11 PM
You would have to tap In to your senses to see if the spirit was evil

RE: time i was born

by Darlene - 3/02/20 7:41 PM
IMy friend and I have seen orbs and had no idea what they were. They swirled back and forth towards my friend and me. I've learned to go to the Bible to get understanding. I was led to Psalm 34:7-9. Angels are encamped around us. We had no fear and just watched. 3=The Trinity. 33=The age Jesus was when he died on the cross. 33 is also the highest degree of Mason, which to me is evil. I would stay on the right path and follow Jesus.

RE: time i was born

by JD - 9/30/20 1:06 AM
I was born at 10:37 am on June 9th 1978. So 6-9 which is similar to the yin and yang and Im Gemini so Im the embodiment of duality and 6 is Venus's # and 9 is Mars's # and Venus is my planetary sub ruler and I have Mars in my first house which is its home. My Mars is in Leo,the sun,and my Venus is in Cancer, the moon. But here's where it gets weird, my birthday, 6-9, is the 78th degree of the Zodiac and I was born 1978. 6+9=15 and 7+8=15 and 1+5=6. I have two f's in my name and two o's which are the 6th and 15th letter of the alphabet. 6×4=24. And my name number before you break it down is 266 and 95 reduced to two digits. The 266th day of the year is 9-23, fall equinox, and 2+3=5 so 95. And the 266th day of the Zodiac Dec 18th which is 26° Sagittarius,my grandfathers birthdate,and the ° that marks galactic center, and that leaves 99 days left in the Zodiac year. The 95th day of the Zodiac is 6-26. I could go on and on but Im starting to come off as the dude from the movie Pi or Jim Carry's character in the film 23 so Im gonna pump the breaks here but its been real and I encourage everyone to investigate the depth of their own numerology. It could blow your mind a number of ×! Dueces!

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