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Well, I have it too.

by Christopher - 1/05/12 5:31 PM
I believe there is some strong energy attached with this number. It's 7:23 as I'm writing this, for me 27 also comes as 7, 2 or 3, or any combination, give or take 1 or 2 of them. But 372, 37, 27, 372, 237, 273, 327, 723, 72, 73. It can be anything. Every significant date and passage of time has occured with 2's and 7's, and to an extant 3. I see these numbers everywhere, along with the color Yellow. 7 seems to be more important than 2 though. I have had some crazy experiences I won't go into, but I've had a surge in my psychic abilities, and the occurence of these numbers has coincided with it. I have friends and families as my witness that can see the things I predict, and how these numbers "answer" with yes or no, to my questions. I have worried that I am Satanic, but I do not believe this is possible since I am a firm follower of Christ and Christ alone. Not even so much christianity or "the church", and not even God, I follow only Jesus. I've had crazy things happen that can't be coincedences. People who spend time around me start experiencing it themselves. What's going on? I feel a such powerful and ominous presence, but can't seem to figure out what it means, and I feel a little mentally insane for giving into it, but since I'm not hallucinating and other people see it as well, I figure I can't be. I've been told before that I'm "indigo child" or some kind of "prophet". I reject both of these because I couldn't bare such responsibility. I have a strong opposition and aversion to darkness and evil since I was born. I've done things and predicted things that if I said on here people would think I'm making it up, I just want you to have faith that I'm not lying, the more important thing is, what does this all mean?

Thank you all. - Christopher

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RE: Well, I have it too.

by Hannah - 12/27/12 2:51 AM
I am THE SAME EXACT WAY. My closest friends and family call me psychic, different, weird. Weird stuff happens to EVERYONE who sticks around me long enough.. I know I'm not crazy. I've had so many experiences I can't begin to explain them all. I am so tuned into the spirit world that I feel like I AM a spirit or something.. I've been so scared maybe I was satanic but I KNOW I can't be because I am a Christian. Never played with anything satanic either. No psychics or anything. I know what's going to happen before it does, I finish people's sentences. I know who is even going to talk to me that day before they do. I was born on 10/27/92, on my moms birthday. I started dating my boyfriend on the 27th, lost my virginity a year later on the 27th, almost died on the 27th, gave my heart to Christ on the 27th. My old cellphone number added together, is 27, my new number has 27 in it, the last 4 of my social added together is 27. My zip code ends in 72. Besides the fact that I see the number EVERYWHERE. Serial numbers, clocks, battery percentages, my nephew was born in room 27. I'll look at my car and it will be 72 degrees at 10:27 and the miles in one trip was 2727?!?!?!!! Come on now. I AM NOT CRAZY. WHAT IS THE DEAL?! On the 27th I also had a vision I was standing in front of a multitude of people in front of MULTIPLE PYRAMIDS and everyone was screaming my name and my husband (couldn't see the face) was a stair below me which I took as I was over him power wise. It's like I was leading them? Then everyone got in place like a puzzle and then there was one puzzle piece missing and I slid into the spot and I heard God say it is finished and then we went to heaven.. I also had 2 dreams on the 27th of the world being chaotic and I walk outside and look at the sky and there is white clouds with a Lion and Jesus standing beside him and Angels blowing trumpets in front of them to the side. SO MANY QUESTIONS. I guess I'm use to it now.. But why me? What is my purpose? Thank God I am not alone..

RE: Well, I have it too.

by Anonymous - 12/28/12 6:59 PM
Christopher - I have it too. Started with 27 then 37 and then combinations. Mostly 27 - I don't know what it means either. But I know that I am not crazy either.

RE: Well, I have it too.

by Ren - 12/18/16 2:05 PM
I think you have extra sensory abilities. Interesting that I choose to reply to your post, my husband and I choose Hannah to name our daughter if we ever one, but alas, there's no Hannah. I love the name Hannah, it's the same name backwards. Very cool! Anyway, about the pyramids in your dream, maybe you could research them more, espeically during the matriachial years - they knew something about energy.

All males in family born on 27th of a month

by Anonymous - 1/10/17 6:06 PM
My great grandfather, grandfather, dad, and myself all have birthdays that fall on the 27th of a month. If this occurred through my Maternal line, it could be explained by genetics causing similar Ovulation periods, but there is no genetic connection since it is always men. Anyone know anything about that or if any ideology claims there's a meaning behind that?

RE: Well, I have it too.

by Jen - 2/18/17 9:16 PM
I very much agree with what you say..I also see a series of double numbers all the time..Strange part is I never noticed until a month before my grandmother passed away ..it was like out the blue very sudden I kept seeing all these numbers like11:11 ,12:12, 10:10 333 and now 222 was just added..I do not know what to make of all this..some say its a spiritual awakening.. Idk..but I have never believed in coincidences I believe everything happens for a reason may not know why or what it means but I just feel that way..you made good points

RE: Well, I have it too.

by Anonymous - 3/06/17 12:08 AM
I am a Christian and think of the Holy Spirit my closest friend. I always talk to Him because He never leave me and I only find comfort in Him. If I were you I'd quit dabbling with psychic properties. I feel I am a marked man because of how much faith I have in Jesus. I don't go to church, I pray and worship straight to Him.

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