3 Comments for what does it mean if you have three scars in the shape of sevens

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what does it mean if you have three scars in the shape of sevens

by Anonymous - 3/12/17 7:02 PM
and no its not the mark of caine anyone have a idea

2 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: what does it mean if you have three scars in the shape of sevens

by Anonymous - 3/31/17 2:54 PM
666 in Arabic looks like 777

RE: what does it mean if you have three scars in the shape of sevens

by Anonymous - 8/12/17 10:59 PM
not together 777 not the same shape sevens all different english font style ironicly on distant parts of the body..its just wierd.. and the things thgat people said to me when i was a child about who they said they thought

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