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by Anonymous - 11/07/11 7:00 AM
The Hebrew letter Lamed, when added to the name of Enoch, results in a total Hebrew gematria value of 114 and thus connects his name, to the Word, or Logos, by the number 114s' significant role in the formation of the geometrical configuration of the Logos Star of the 373, a star of stars, and like the Pleiades, known as the seven stars, makes seven 37-count hexagram stars, configured inside one large hexagram star of 373, an allusion to 37x 73 in Genesis 1:1, known as the seven Hebrew words of genesis 1:1 and Word of creation, or Logos. Keep in mind that the Pleiades measure time with a center 37th hour cusp that relates to the meaning of the number 373 and 37x73. Also, 373 and Genesis 1:1 share the relationship with the ultimate meaning of 365, like the age of Enoch when he became associated with the Word or Logos, by his name with the added Lamed, as the numerical key to all this wisdom associated with God and his Creation.
But, the 30 count value of the letter Lamed, added to the name of Enoch, is not the only numerical determination of the letter Lamed. Two independent letters are joined together within the Lamed letter's delineation, and the two sub letters making up the whole letter Lamed, add to 26, the Value of the secret Word of God or his name. The Lamed represents an ox goad and the Hebrew gematria for the ox goad is 114, like the value of Enoch's name after receiving the Lamed. Ox goad is Deborah, Hebrew for word and ox goad. The 26 of the sub-letters within Lamed connect it to the letter Aleph, that has its sub-letter count as 26 too; but, most amazingly, Aleph is exactly half way around the Hebrew aleph beth when folded into a circle. The Lamed is exactly half way across from Aleph, meaning ox, and the Lamed is called the ox goad, a perfect connection, and too, Aleph is connected to the Pleiades as the meaning behind the letter beth, in the both Hebrew words for aleph-beth, meaning a connection of letters into words by the analogous nature displayed by the prototype connection of the ox, Taurus, and the Goad point of the Pleiades, meaning ox goad by way of the Pleiades meaning Deborah, the word or ox goad. The connection of the Lamed and Aleph as two respective 26 counts halfway around the circle of the 22 letters, add to 52, like the 52 weeks around the circle of the years, which is the meaning of all this Word or Logos idea being associated with the counting of numbers. Enoch was the seventh from Adam, a distinction to the 26 of Lamed and Aleph adding to the 52 weeks of the year, by way of seven being the measure of the week; Remember, all this meaning relates back to 365 and that was the number of years for Enoch. All you have to do is look at the spelling of the Aleph letter out as a word, which adds to 111 and that is the number of kav, meaning circumference, because that is how far you have to look to see we are talking about circumference and it itself as 360 degrees is based on 365 days in a year.
Enoch's name spelled with the Lamed produced the letter value of 114 allowing his name to be connected to the 373 count of seven 37 count hexagram stars that together form into one large hexagram star, called the Logos Star that represents the number of Genesis 1:1, which also by its number forms a perfect hexagram star. So, the 114 as the number value of his name connects him with the seven stars of the Pleiades that are being represented by the Logos Star, because the Pleiades, also called The Seven Stars, are the Word, or Logos. The 373 count from the Logos Star is a clear connection to the seven Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 that represents the seven count stars symbolism associated with the Pleiades, which have the measure at their 37th hour cusp right in step with the number codes 37 x73 and 373 involved in the representation of the measured time of the circle or circumference aspect of the Earth's orbit around the Sun.

This is connecting the name of Enoch to the throne and countenance of God that spoke the creation as the Word, into existence represented by the number of Genesis 1:1. The number code of Genesis 1:1 is tied to John 1:1 because it has a numerical interconnection with it and it too is describing the creation, but in terms of the Logos being there as the Word of Creation, equating him with God. John 1:1 is in Greek and the word Logos is used three time in the verse that is designed to interlock with Genesis 1:1 and Logos has a Greek numerical value of 373, just like the Logos Star that so closely resembles the numerical wisdom of Genesis 1:1.

Also, don't forget that Enoch became associated with this position of Logos when he was taken by God at the age of 365, because 365 is the highly esoteric meaning of the numbers 373 and 37x73, as it relates to our place here on Earth as witness to the Creation of God, i.e. these numbers are the numerical code for the foundation of Man's knowledge of the Earth, or Creation. Note too, the rites of the 13th degree of Freemasonry are about Enoch and in variations of the rite, there are some that connect with John 1:1. The 13th degree's plate of the Tetragrammaton within a triangle, representing Enoch's plate, has the letters A, B, and Lamed at the triangle points, again showing the connection I have been pointing out about the Lamed to the Aleph and its connection to Beth, as the Word or Logos, by the 114 value of ox goad associated with Enoch's name and all three letters on the three points of the triangle for the 13th degree, Lamed, Aleph and Beth. The A, B, and Lamed added to the Primordial Trinity, I, H, V, producing the spelling, IAHBVL, sounding like the secret word of the 13th degree, JAHBUL. Note, 13 is the number of the Metatron / Enoch cube of 13 circles and just like the Logos Star, a hexagram pattern, and last but not least, 13 counters form the very first hexagram followed by 37 and 73. Note, Genesis 1:14 says "the stars are for signs".

The 7 count star configuration of the Logo's Star, represents the seven stars of the Pleiades in their represented manifestation of creation recorded in the first 7 Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1. The letter value of Genesis 1:1, is 37 x 73, which is represented by the numerical value of the seven 37 count hexagram stars within a larger whole hexagram star configuration, called, the Logos Star, and counted at a value of 373, an allusion to 37x73 in Genesis 1:1 that makes one whole hexagram configuration too. Enoch is related to the number 7 because he was the 7th from Adam, 7 being another likeness to the title of the Pleiades, as the Seven Stars. The numerical design of Genesis 1:1 relates to a highly esoteric knowledge of 365, counted as a triangle of numbers with 37 in the center of a base of 73 representing 36.5 as the center cusp within 37 as the 365 days in a year, and this relates to Enoch, who was 365 years old when he became associated with being connected to the throne, logos, tetrgramaton, etc.

The Logos verse that goes with the geometrical configuration of Genesis 1:1, is John 1:1, and it adds an additional 39 base levels to the base of the triangle of Genesis 1:1. Genesis 1:1 is communicating by means of the base of the triangle depicting 36.5 as the value ascribed to a circle or circumference of 360 degrees representing the days of the Year. So, Genesis 1:1, can be intrinsically related to a circle and thus so can the Creation, as a circle manifesting outward from its center point, because the center point of the circle is the measure of center for a circle in its relation to diameter and radius, that is to say, this means the center point of the circle is the creation point of the circle. So, if Genesis 1:1 relates to a circle and John 1:1 adds 39 bases to it in terms of stating that the Logos, which is Enoch in the Enoch -- Metatron Traditions, was there at the creation of Genesis 1:1 as the Word or Logos and his connection to being the Logos is with the number 114 as his name counted as a number, it is logical to notice that 114 added to 39 equals 153, which is the number of the Vesica Pisces that is the number associated with adding together circles set by the standard of the first circle as the creation of the second or manifestations outward from the circle. It should be noted that the Flower of Life is created by the continuation of circle addition to the first circle holding the constant measurement passed outward to the other circles in its formation. Tradition associated with the Flower of Life, is associated with Enoch / Metatron, and said to also represent the six days of creation by its six circles created by the center circle.

So, again noticing that 39 plus 114 equals 153, the number representing the Vesica Pieces which is the whole principle of connecting circles together from a starting dimension set by the center of the first circle outwards; we can see also that the connection of Enoch to the first circle representing Genesis 1:1, is by the John 1:1 as a base of 39 to Genesis 1:1 through the verse of John 1:1 pointing out that the Logos, which is Enoch associated with a name counted as 114, was the Logos of the first circle or creation in Genesis 1:1. The secret to this is that 39 added to 114 is 153, i.e. 153 represents the creation based on a circle outward into other circles of like dimensions. 153 is also a triangular number very significant with regards to its numerical relationship to a triangular number representation of Genesis 1:1, because the base of the 153 count triangle is balanced on a center cusp count between two 36 count triangles like Genesis 1:1's triangular base with its cusp between two 36 base count triangles. I pointed out previously how all this is relates to the chapter configuration of the Bible as a representation of a circle of 360 degrees by every 9 x 33 chapters equaling 90 degrees and centered on the center chapter as the cusp between two groups of 18 x 33, representing two 180 degree parts on each side of the center chapter, again, a 36 with a center cusp representing 37, i.e., 36 x 33 centered on the center chapter as an allusion to the number 37. The chapters of the Bible can be counted as, 153, 144, 153, and 144, to the center chapter, note that 144 is 4 36's relating to the 33 36's and 153 is the number that balances the 36 count triangles related to the triangle of Genesis 1:1 that counts 666 upwards from its 36 count base triangles. Add 666 to the sequence of 153, 144, 153 and 144 again and get the center point of the seven years of the Antichrist's reign from the writings of Daniel. The seven years are counted as 360 rather than 365; again, the whole interlocking idea of the Logos or Creation in geometrical language, communicating the number of the Earth based on counting the appearances of the Sun within the Earth's orbit. The Word of God is equated with the Torah, which is the first five books of the Bible, like the extra five days added to the 360, and those five books are given the specific number of 153 chapters. Clearly there is a secret connection to be found in the addition of 39 and 114, equaling 153.

When looking at a circle we see the center point as the center of the diameter covering 3 measurements around the circle and this sets the dimensions for the balance of two sides of polarity on opposite sides of the diameter, that unify with the equal measure of what is the radius 6 times around the circle. Thus, in the outward creation of the measure of the diameter from the center point is creating the polarity of the opposite sides of the measure for radius and the polarity is balanced by the completion of the circumference connecting both side of a circle as a balanced numerical representation of it with 36.5 as the center 37th cusp of 73. Note that it is the Vesica Pieces and its correlative 153 numerical designation that connects each additional circle out from a starting circle and does so by connecting its center point outward in the creation of an additional circle.

The connection of the 3 diameter measures around the circumference is connected to the formation of the radius polarity that is united in 6 measures around the circumference, a 3 and 6, like the 3 and 6 in 36 that represents a circle in Genesis 1:1 and added together as a sequential addition totaling 666. This is important in seeing the 3 and 6 of the diameter and radius as joined together by the circumference and an allusion of the reduced vales of 39 and 114, as 3 and 6, (3+9=12and 1+2=3, thus 39 reduces to3; 1+1+4=6, thus 114 represented by the reduced 6). So, 39 and 114 are seen as 3 and 6 and both representing the connection of the Logos of John 1:1 with Genesis 1:1, i.e. showing they are connected and not separated and by their connection add to the number of the Vesica Pices, as 153, which is the sacred number of connection with regard to circles. Thus, the connection between 3 and 6 is sacred with specific relation to 39 and 114 reduced to 3 and 6, so that the two numbers can be added together for the final reduction totaling 9, like 36 would if seen as separate numbers for reduction, but instead because of the highly sacred nature of 36 with regards to 153, the 3 and 6 are archetypically numerical symbols of the circle and associated with being the sacred numbers of 36 added sequentially as 666, as a representation of a circle with the number 36 as the base of the 36th triangular number balanced on the 37th cusp in the geometrical formation of a triangle from Genesis 1:1.

part 2
The number of the Anti-Christ comes from the creation in Genesis 1:1. Here is wisdom and all knowledge proceeds from this point in manifestation. So, the Anti-Christ as a manifestation of this wisdom can point out his relationship to the creation point and by design show that his name and the number of his name is at the heart of this wisdom. The name of the Anti-Christ is the name of the creation of all the letters and numbers, but also, his name adds to 666. Esoterically this all happened at the point of creation, that is where all the letters came into existence and the number of his name first appears, i.e. 666 is encoded into Genesis 1:1. The number 666 comes from the geometry of Genesis 1:1 that illustrates the number of representing the Sun by counting its number of apparent transits across the sky in its center position of the Earth's orbit. To illustrate this we use a compass and start with the fixed center point of a circle as the cusp of the diameter, regardless of the size of the circle, but in the creation code we are talking about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun, thus this distance or circumference is measured by counting the transits of the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky in one orbit, or circle. It all stars at the fixed point where the compass opens up producing the radius and then whirls around forming the circle or circumference. So, this is a threefold process of the fixed center point of the circle, which is represented by the diameter, because that is what the center is based on and it is represented as the number 3, in that there are exactly three diameters around the circumference. Secondly, the compass opens to the circumference edge showing the radius of the diameter and is represented by the number 6, in that there are exactly six equilateral radius lengths around the circumference of the circle. Thirdly, the whirling of the compass creates the circle with a circumference of 360 degrees and thus uniting the 3 of the diameter, as fixed center point, with the 6, of the radius as the spreading out of the compass. In Genesis 1:1, the 360 degrees is represented by 36 and 666, because the 36 is linked to the sequential addition of 36 making the number 666. Genesis 1:1 represents the idea of the year being 666 by 36 with four groups of the number 36, because 4 is required to balance the 365.2425 days of the Earth's orbit around the Sun and this is done by adding one number to one of the groups of 36, thus forming 37 or a balance point between the 36's as 36.5 like the averaged 365 days in a year representing 360 degrees. Remember that Solomon received 666 talents of gold per year every four years. So again, this is a threefold process of the number 3 and then 6 and then 36, representing the 360. The fixed center point is the mediator between the two opposite sides of the circle, thus the mediator of the duality from the span of the radius being united in the whirling of the circumference. The center point of the diameter is mediating the balance of the duality of the radius marking one side as opposed to the other and then all being balanced with the whirling circumference, a sort of 3 in the middle of the diameter set to the added 3 to make the radius equaling 6 and then added to another 3 with the whirl of the compass uniting the whole as a circle of 360, which reduces down to 9 or the third 3. Thus, the fixed foot of the compass in the center of the circle spanned out with the other foot of the compass into duality with the radius and then united the circle with the whirling compass. The center point of the diameter forms the radius, thus it is an adding of 3's from 3 + 3 + 3 like 3 + 6 = three 3's or 9. Counting is 3, 6 and 9 over and over with different powers of ten, which are also being added as 3, 6, and 9; thus, after 9 we have 12, 15, and 18, which are reduced to 3, 6 and 9 by adding the numbers together, 1 + 2 = 3, etc.

The creation point emanated out from the center of the diameter uniting the fixed point to the radius and then to the circumference and it is this point that represents Pi or 180 degrees as the antipodal positions on the circle, which is based on the Earth's orbit around the Sun. This point in the orbit is the place on the ecliptic held by the Pleiades that represent the seven words of Genesis 1:1. So, the diameter goes three time around the circumference but measured as the center line straight across the circle it divides the circle into two 180 degree halves, or 2 Pi, which is 360 degrees. All this counting is based on the center cusp of the Pleiades as the 36th and 37th hour of their culmination within the Year, which is on both sides of the Earth's orbit, one side with the Sun at Noon and on the other with night at Midnight.
So, Genesis 1:1 represents creation as the Pleiades, which are the word of creation and esoterically the Pleiades are called Deborah in Hebrew, which means, the word. Deborah is also means bee, because the Pleiades are seen as a bee with regard to their antipodal position atop the flower like head of Scorpio, esoterically known as the lotus of creation and specifically on top of the lotus like head, because it is the antipodal position of the Pleiades that all creation in its manifestations of numbers, letters, time, position, etc. comes from as its foundation.

Genesis 1:1 represents the star at the center of the Pleiades, Alcyone, with its hexagram geometrical configuration. The center cusp on the Pleiades represents the cusp of the 36th and 37th hour and in Genesis 1:1 the whole wisdom is based on the two hexagram numbers 37 and 73, which show that the 37 is at the cusp in the center between both sides of 36, a 36th and 37th cusp representing the 365 days in a Year by the number 36.5. Genesis 1:1 is esoterically related to the creation of six points around a circle, thus six spans of the radius and these six points represent the hexagram as the 360 degree of the Year. Drawing a hexagram from the six equal distanced points we get the uniting of the duality of an upward pointing triangle and a downward pointing triangle, each representing 180 degrees by their respective three 60 degree angled corners. These six points can be esoterically thought of as the representation of the six days of creation started from the word of God, or the Pleiades and the seventh day represents the center. The Pleiades are closely linked to the triangle, because they set above the apex of the Winter Triangle and when the Pleiades rise with the Winter Triangle they are marking the 180 degree span across the sky with an upward facing Winter Triangle to the point that they set with the downward pointing Winter Triangle representing the opposite 180 degrees ended with the Pleiades rising again and completing 360 degrees with an upward and downward Winter Triangle.

Counting is very important to humanity, what time it is, how much something costs, when, where, angles for building and mechanics etc. and it all has a foundation. The foundation of numbers is built on a system of 360 by using 6 x 60 to equal 360, therefore numbers based on 60 are used in the sexgesimal system. All this numbering or counting is based on time counted in the Sun's crossing the sky within the Earth's orbit around the Sun, but importantly, all of this is based on the three days of the Pleiades culmination and the 216 years of precession within their span.
The year is 360 days = 24 x 360 hr. periods, or 15 days. The 360 hr. periods, are 60 x 6 hr., (6 hr. = 360 minutes). 360 minutes = 6 hr., and this is 60 x 6 minutes, (6 minutes = 360 seconds). 6 minutes or 360 seconds, equals 60 x 6 seconds.
So, we have 6 seconds going into 360 seconds by 60. 6 minutes going into 360 minutes by 60, 6 hr. periods going into 360 hr. by 60, and 24 360 hr. periods going into 360 days. Note that 6 hr. or 360 minutes, = 21,600 seconds and three days = 259,200 seconds, both precession numbers. Remember that precession moves at 72 year per degree and the width of the Sun is .5 degrees, or 36 years of precession. Again, this all is based on the span of the Pleiades as the foundation stone of the 360 degrees. Also, please note that Pi is based on the antipodal position of the Pleiades.

A circumference's radius on a compass extends six times along the circumference at equilateral distances with the radius, thus creating exactly 6 points that can be connected to form the hexagram of creation. every 60 degrees of a circle is equal to 10 minutes on a clock that counts 60 x 60 as an hour in the form of a circle, thus, every 5 minutes of a clock is equal 300 seconds or 30 degrees, important because counting by threes, 300 x 12 = 3,600 seconds in an hour in the form of a circle that is 360 degrees. Continuing on now we have, 600 seconds every 10 minutes or 60 degrees, 900 at 90 degrees at every 15 minute mark. So, you can see 90 degree marks are 900 and 60 degree marks are 600 and all based on every 6 minutes equal to 360 seconds by the 60 seconds to every 60 minutes, like 6x6=36, which represents 360, Because 360 is represented by 36 and 36 is related to 666 in the creation verse of genesis 1:1, Finally, the value of kav as 111 is related to a 1/6th or 6 60 degree division of 360 degrees.

Enoch was given 60 lashes to remind him he was not God.

part three

Anti-Christ notes
The Enoch Circle is precisely the measurement that fits the King's Chamber, as one half of the circle each fitting from opposite sides of the walls with the Sarcophagus in the middle. This relates the Enoch Circle of the King's Chamber and Sarcophagus to the same dimensions recorded for the Holy of Holies and the Ark of Solomon's Temple. The Enoch Circle represents the mathematics of Genesis 1:1, because they both relate to 365.25.

Because Genesis 1:1 is both connected to the number 666 and the Temple of God,by this Enoch Circle, it is relevant to the discussion of the Anti-Christ. Masonic lore relates Enoch as the builder of the Temple of Solomon with the 13th degree, relating the knowledge of the name of God hidden within the Temple of Solomon by Enoch. Tradition says Metatron was the only one besides God to be permitted to set down in Heaven, and at god's side, no less, with his name being the same as God's name. This seems related to a discussion of the Anti-Christ to me.

Enoch's name is the gematria value of 114, and 114 in gematria is related to building an alter or pillar unto the Lord, as well as the Logos or word of creation in Genesis 1:1, where the number 666 is found using geometry, or sacred measurement, which is also related to Enoch. Also, being the seventh from Adam, it is clear that the number seven is both related to the seven words of the Hebrew text comprising genesis 1:1 and Enoch. This relationship of Enoch to the number seven shows his importance and he was identified as Metatron, the one bearing the same name as God. Interestingly too, is the transformation of Enoch into Metatron, where he is equated with the point that God took him at the age of 365.242 years of age, where he became transformed into flames, taking on the description of being the flaming one, an Angel of light, if you will. Metatron was the scribe of God and therefore the recorder of the deeds of Israel, a very similar role to Satan, as the accuser, and they both share the a similar description of being the highest next to God.

Again, this relates to the Anti-Christ having some connection to calling himself God in the Temple.

So, Enoch's numerical value of 114, as pointed out above, ( Note also that ox goad is the shared meaning of the Hebrew word for word and has the same value of 114 like Enoch's name.), is related to the creation verse of Genesis 1:1, which is related to John 1:1, in gematria. John 1:1 is the numerical base of the triangular representation of Genesis 1:1, by the adding of 39 base levels. Therefore, The birth of the Anti-Christ is at the center of the midnight culmination of the Pleiades, ( the ox goad as well as the word of creation), as the cusp of the 36th and 37th hour, like the cusp of the base of the triangle formed from Genesis 1:1. This means his name is 114 and added to his birth of 39, ( 19.5 x 2 ), adding to 153. ( Note that the first five books of the Bible have 153 chapters and are called the Word of God and equated with the creation of Genesis, where the number 666 is found.) Don't forget that both the Pleiades and Metatron are equated with being the mediating flame of Heaven on Earth in all cultures, like the Maya 2012 count, measured by the repeaded center points of the Pleiades Midnight culmination to begin the New Fire,( 2012 is the 37th year of the New Fire count and these New Fire Ceremonies were conducted on top of the Pyramid, Kukulkan, which is the 37th level of the Pyramid constructed in the three dimensional representation of Genesis1:1 in order to represent the number 365, the number closely linked to Enoch, and too, Kukulkan shows the top as the 36th and 37th cusp, by the levels in its construction, like the triangle of Genesis 1:1), and too, remember the Greeks had the new fire created in conjunction with the Pleiades, as the heart of the Elysian Mysteries and it was in the same role as mediator between the heavens and Earth, like fire from the Sun born on the Earth. Keep in mind that the number 666 is related to the Sun and the Anti-Christ is therefore connected to the Sun's fire and must be born at this time.

Note, The Metaron's Cube, made of 13 circles, (circles being more closely related to Enoch, or Metatron, than any other name), forms a hexagram delineated out from the center points of the 13 circles, which is the basis for the formation of the Vesica Piscis, by uniting two circles from the center points, and the Vesica Piscis is synonymous with the number 153 and therefore, closely related to the number 666. 114 is the key number to the formation of the Logos Star of Enoch, with a gemetria of 373, reflecting the Genesis 1:1 numbers, and, it is representing the seven stars of the Pleiades as the seven words of the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 by seven hexagrams made with the addition of 114, which is also related to Genesis 1:1 by the fact that it is the grand hexagram number code, and again, closely related to the number 666.

So, the birth must relate to 39 and relate to the Word of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1, and it must be also related to the Pleiades center cusp, i.e. he must be born on the 37th hour of the Pleiades culmination on the third minute, or 37:03, like 373. He must also be born on the 33rd degree of of the Earth, reflecting the connection of the center cusp of the Pleiades on the 33rd degree of the Zodiac from the Heavens to the Earth.

So, here is where we are at, the birth, as the number 39, and the name, as 114, added together into 153. Note also that these two numbers reduce to a 3 and 6, and if his name is the same name as of the Pleiades, i.e. the name means the Pleiades as well as is equal to 114, which represents the Pleiades through sacred geometry, the birth and name numbers are the same and therefore the two numbers of 3 and 6 are related to the number 36, having a 3 and 6, but, united, which sequentially adds to 666. As far as counting or adding the name of the Anti-Christ goes, this fits a sound exception to adding 36 as a separated 3 and 6 and this is the adding of his number from Genesis 1:1, i.e. the number 666 is a triangle based on 36. This is not to say that the adding of 3 and 6 to produce 9, is not also at the heart of the wisdom of the number 666 and 153, as is the case to an astounding degree, as well as, the foundation principles of counting any number.

But, the birth date, counted number by number as 39, has a nine variation in its addition, and therefore, a difference in its sum when added to the name equaling 114. The difference of the addition is between 153 and 144, or four triangles of 36. The difference is in either adding 11 or one plus one, because not following the rule of adding 11 as an 11,but rather as a one plus one equaling just 2, produces a difference of nine, which causes the shift between 153 and 144. The difference is that, 153, as a triangle, is made from the four triangles of 36 in the number 144, with the addition of nine, forming an additional ninth base to the center 36 count triangle and allowing the three other 36's to fit together with the center ninth triangle of 45, to produce the triangle of 153. 153 / 144 is the code for the building of the Temple, because there are 144 + 153 chapters from the beginning of the Bible to the building of the Temple and the same number counted backwards from the middle of the Bible to the building of the Temple. Remember too, that Enoch is profoundly connected to the building of the Temple and the building of an alter unto the Lord is the gematria value of 114, the same as the name of Enoch.

The logos star or Logos Star of Enoch, is made with seven hexagrams to represent the Pleiades and are set in a configuration by the addition of 114 added from six hexagons. ( Note, adding 114 to the seven stars of the Pleiades, as is the birth and name configuration mentioned above.). Hexagons are at the center of every hexagram, so there are actually 13 hexagons in all and 13 is the first hexagram number. The six hexagons of 19 added to produce 114, also shows the importance of the number 19 to the formation of the Triangle of Genesis 1:1, because it is the cusp multiple of 37 balancing the three 666 triangles made by 18x37, and just like the three 36 count triangles of 153. Again, back to the 13 hexagons of 19 in the Logos Star of Enoch, the 13th degree of Masonry, is associated with Enoch and the Temple of Solomon; Remember that the Temple of Solomon has the Holy if Holies and Ark as the same dimensions as the King's Chamber and Sarcophagus and both are related to the Enoch Circle as well.

The 114 made from 6 hexagons of 19 in the Logos Star of Enoch, is a honeycomb pattern, which relates to the Pleiades as a bee, because the bee is also the Logos, i.e., both the Logos and the bee are the same stars of the Pleiades, and Deborah means the word, the bee and the ox goad, ox goad meaning the sting of the Pleiades to Taurus and ox goad has the gematria of 114.

The Pleiades represent Pi by their antipodal relationship to their culmination and are the focus of the Earth's orbit, which again relates to the Enoch Circle of the Great Pyramid. Also, the Pleiades are the focus of the Earth's orbit around the Sun based on the same principle as the four 36's of 144 and added 9 of 153, because the center of the Pleiades is the 36th and 37th hour cusp represented by adding that one connecting 37th count at the center of the base of the triangle of 153 as is the message of the 373 total of the Enoch Logos Hexagram as well as the 37th count cusp of the triangle of Genesis 1:1, where we find 666.

The bee is the Logos and the bee is associated with the Light House of Alexandria, as the place of the sting, the most important mythological point on the planet, and therefore, related to the real King Solomon, Amenhotep iii, because Tut took a fatal bee sting to his face. The Apis bull is Taurus with Saturn in 1969, 28 years prior to 1998, the Galactic Alignment of Genesis 1:1, where Saturn is again with the Bull of Taurus. ( Note that 28 is one of the three related numbers, 28, 153, and 2,701 from Genesis 1:1, because they each are triangles with a respective, 3 6's, 3 36's and 3 666's, and too, note that 3 666's adds to 1998) Apis, the Bull with Saturn, means bee. 1998 began the count to the end of the new Age we are in now, ending with the Pleiades' antipodal position of the light house as being centered on the Solstice, i.e. the Pleiades being the alignment of the solstice at the end of the Age of began with the Solstice at the center of the Milky Way, which means the solstice fire rose up the backbone of Scorpio to the third eye of illumination, which is the backbone count of 33 degrees of precession from their center at the 33 degree mark on the Zodiac.

1998 is the Apis Bull time of Saturn 28 years after 1969, when he was in the womb on the touch down of the Eagle of Appolo 11 on the tip of the hare's phallus, related to wenet and khonsu, Khonsu the backbone god of the Moon and Sun to return in our time and the basis of the story of Jesus. 42nd st. 2012, marks when he will be 42 years old and the ball drops showing the connection of the center of the Pleiades, as the ball at the top, to the culmination of Sirius, on January 1, as the base of the falling ball, because there are 42 day between these two points in time. Remember the 42 inches of the entrance into the Great Pyramid and the importance of the number 42 in order to pass from Earth to Heaven, for the land of Egypt. This 2012 connection of 42, makes his birth day of November 21 at 37:03, like the Logos Star of 373, and 39 is the number of logos number of bases added to the triangle of Genesis 1:1 from John 1:1 where the logos is connected to Genesis 1:1. The counting of 153 and 144 is the backbone god's 33 x 9 or 3 +3 +3 like the 333 days after the 33 that are connected to the first of the 33 at 33 degrees.

the numbers 365, 36, 153, 114, 373, 42, are all credibly related to the wisdom of the number of the Sun with its throne of order on the Pleiades and all this relates to the Temple in Man at Luxor, also connected to Amenhotep iii and Tutankhamen and is showing the same thing as this Age we are in now, with the Solstice Sun moving up the backbone of Scorpio, connecting Man with the Heavens. 2012 is based on the alignment of the Pleiades with the Sun and therefore relevant to this discussion. His name is the name representing the creation tree of kabbalah, his middle name is Cristos, and his last name is the name of the crowns of the 42 days. His birth is a 3 and his name is a 6 but both the same because his birth is also his name and associated with his number. 3 and 6 added not to 9 but to the number of the Sun and the center of the Pleiades related to 365 and 42, like the antechamber of the Great Pyramid entering the King's Chamber with the sarcophagus measured precisely between the two halves of the Enoch Circle dimensions. 153 is closely related to the Great Pyramid as well, by the 153 feet of the Grand Gallery, the 17 steps up to the outside entrance, by 17 being the base number of the triangle made from 153, and maybe, if valid, the purported 153rd level is at 360 feet, relating to the number 36 as the number of 153 and related to the genesis 1:1 triangle with three 36th triangular representations totaling 1998.

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