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always seeing 116

by chris - 7/15/10 10:49 AM
I don't know if its only in my head or if this number is trying to tell me something, but I've been seeing number "116" everywhere. In plate numbers, receipts, house number, tv, computers, you name it. I have read about people who have thesame experiences and mostly they say its just in our mind tends to make patterns that it always regognizes. Anyway, I just like to see also if there might be another explanation from symbolism. Thanks.

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RE: always seeing 116

by Anonymous - 12/10/11 3:49 AM
I think is from the bible guys psalm 116:19

RE: always seeing 116

by Chuy - 12/11/11 12:37 AM
Psalm 116 read it

RE: always seeing 116

by Michael M. - 3/26/13 10:35 AM
Just read Psalm 116. It's about gratitude/appreciation by some one who was brought down to their kness and later saved by the Lord. This person sure is grateful for God's mercy.

RE: always seeing 116

by Anonymous - 4/05/13 8:26 PM
I always see 116. Everyday, all the time. It has to mean something. I read that when you have a sequence of numbers followed by whatever number, in this case 6, the angels are trying to tell you where you are at in your life. Like an insight of where you are at spiritually, I got this info when I skimmed through the pages of Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue. In fact, I am going to check it out again.... right now.

RE:always seeing 116

by Victoria - 12/16/21 12:55 PM
I have been seeing this number 116 for over 20 years. My birthday has 11661. I have played the three digit lottery tickets with this number, so far I haven't won anything

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