3 Comments for Black dog with puppies

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Black dog with puppies

by Anonymous - 2/05/18 6:45 PM
I saw this big black dog just had 19 puppies all black. The dog was very calm and somehow she understand what I am saying. I want to bring her some food but was not sure whgay to bring her...meat or bread then I saw she got some meat so I went to the store and brought her one pack sliced bread....she was happy. T hen she started moving her puppies to a safer place so I waited there watching her going back and forth...after she moved them all I saw a tiger sitting there watching her so I was like I am glad I stayed until she moved all the puppies otherwise the tiger could have taken some of the puppies...anyways the tiger was calm but not sure if it was up to the puppies.... it looked like it though the way it was looking at the dog....hmmmm what does it mean ????

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RE:Black dog with puppies

by Anonymous - 2/13/18 9:10 AM
Dogs nor black is ever good, so pray against any evil that maybe trying to come against you through manipulation.

RE:Black dog with puppies

by Anonymous - 4/14/18 11:42 AM
Dogs in scripture represent the unbelievers. You are trying to feed them the bread and meat "word of God". A tiger is watching them, the devil. Time to start telling them about Jesus and what He did on the cross. To believe in Jesus as their Savior!

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