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Funeral dream

by Trina - 7/19/16 1:07 PM
I dreamt I was at the funeral of my husband. I was surprised because I wasn't told and should have been. I was at the funeral home and frantically trying to find him and I couldn't. Never even saw the casket. I also never saw anyone I recognized. No family members or anything. Also, nobody would talk to me or tell me anything. I didn't recognize those that were there. There was no normal congregating like at most funerals. I walked outside and it was overcast. I walked down the sidewalk and out of the corner of my eye saw the corner of what I thought was a black hearse or suv. I wasn't sure. There a few other persons scattered in places. All of a sudden a fair skinned woman with long pretty red hair and a blue dress walked purposefully up to and in front of me and stopped. I stopped and just looked at her like what?!
She had no smile or frown, just looked at me very intently.

In real life we are having struggles with multiple issues.
I have some ideas just wanted some objective thoughts.
Thanks so much!

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RE: Funeral dream

by OLGIE Ms.olgie - 7/23/16 8:08 AM
Hi. So I have some thoughts on your dream. When we drank of someone dieing, it usually means that either that relationship is going to die or a part of that person is going to die. Like his old ways. But in the dream you never see him, and when you walk outside you see an overcast which means trouble may be headed and a black suv or hearse. Again signifying death. The woman who looked at you intently seems to represent a revelation that is coming from Jesus (blue revelation and red the blood or covering). All in all I feel that this is a warning dragon from God. You never saw your husband.. I believe God is giving you revelation in what to pray for not only for your husband but for yourself EITHER BEFORE THE STORM COMES OR TO AVOID IT ALL TOGETHER. Don't pray selfishly but pray and cover him with the scriptures and the Word of God. By selfishly, I mean that sometimes, I included, we pray for People based on our own needs. But I believe God is calling you to pray for him based on what he truly needs and what the word of God says.

God Bless You

RE: Funeral dream

by Miss Anonymous Dreamer!!! - 10/24/16 9:05 AM
I believe your dream is a revelation about an issue that you have faced or are about to face in your marriage. A lie told is going to make it look to you and others that your husband is not doing well - and a jezebel spirit will come along - lifeless but attractive. Before it even gets a chance to speak and try to minister the Lord will silence it...but you must pray.

People will come and tell you things about it, that will make you sound like your marriage is in trouble or that your husband will be in a bad situation.

The attack will come through rumours and your fight is to hold to what is true and not to walk down the path of doubt and disbelief. I believe the woman is a seductive spirit masked in purity that is actually offering sinful wisdom that you may think is pure, but if you look closely you will know her and her advice are lifeless. She did not speak - probably because someone has prayed a prayer that forbidden her from speaking - which indicates a great deal of the Lord protection on your life.

Fight for your marriage and battle rumours about his condition - especially if someone decides to say things about him being in a bad spiritual place.

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